Chapter 50

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Maria stared up at the plain ceiling of the dull asylum, immensely bored. She turned her head and picked up her phone laying by the bedside table. It was two in the morning. "Man I'm bored. Oh, I can call Alfred! It's two in the morning here so it's like one in the afternoon in Hawaii!" Maria beamed before she opened her phone contacts. Her finger hovered over the 'call' button beside the name 'ALFREDO TEN-BOTTLES-OF-GIN BBY'. She hesitated. "I'm no longer a Quintessential. Will Alfred still sees me as a friend?" Maria asked quietly, "Alfred is a nice person. Of course he will..! But....."

Maria suddenly fell silent, a defeated look on her face. What if Alfred doesn't like her and want to distance himself away from her? Oh Maria could just call Gary...! Ah, he probably hated her guts; Maria was insane, stabbed someone, ruined Quintessential's reputations and gave work to Akamai. The silence lingered in the dark room before the investigator suddenly heard rustling and thumping outside her room window. It was as if someone was struggling to climb the wall outside.

Maria gazed at the white curtains covering the room window. A silhouette of a man perhaps, loomed over the curtains as it struggled to open the window. Maria instantly opened her drawer and took out a plastic knife she hid from her caretakers (knives were confiscated. Maria was told she can't go near knives but Maria thought f*ck the rules and hid one).

The window unlocked itself and the man let himself in and he was immediately tangled in the curtains. Maria sprang up from her bed. "AAAAAAAAAA F*CK THERE'S A GUY IN MY ROOM TAKE THAT YOU PSYCHOPATHIC B*TCH. DIE DIE!" Maria screamed as she stabbed the poor person repeatedly with the bendy plastic knife. "Ow! Ow! Ow! Stop it geez ow!" A familiar voice cried out. Maria paused.

"Gary?" She echoed. "Yah it's me," Gary's voice grunted, "Jesus Christ. Maybe it's right to lock you up here. You've clearly gotten mad." Maria blinked a few times and poked the person's cheeks over the curtains. She paused. Maria quickly rushed over to her bedside lamp and flicked it open. With a soft glow of newfound light in the room, Maria quickly ran over to untangle the curtains from the supposed Quintessential Detective.

Maria stared face to face with Gary Akise, their eyes gazing into each other. "Holy sh*t... HOLY SH*T IT'S GAEY! HOLY F*CK GUYS GAEY IS HERE!" Maria shrieked at the top of her lungs. "Shhh!" A frail index finger found itself onto Maria's lips. "Be quiet. Are you mad?! It's two in the morning. They're going to kick me out!" Gary hissed, "also what's up with the weird nickname? Gaey? Really??" "Yeah, Gaey! Once I was texting to a friend ranting about you and I accidentally typed 'Gaey' and I died." Maria giggled, "and it became a nickname for Gaela! Though I don't use it often."

Gary stared at Maria as if she was daft. Maria in return grinned at him like an idiot. "Why am I here again?" Gary mumbled under his breath, "oh right. Akamai. And the Quintessentials." Maria tilted her head in curiosity. Akamai? Quintessentials? What was going on? "What about them?" Maria asked. Gary sighed before he explained everything.

If Maria have to sum up Gary's intricate and detailed explanation, it's basically how the public lost their sh*t when Maria stabbed Gaela. Quintessentials were deemed as self-centred snobs more than before. If you're a Quint, you can't get milk from a supermarket without getting jumped. A shady group of people were even sent to kill Quintessentials. The Quintessential Keener Caoimhe MacMurrough was the first to die. Akamai Shi found herself to be responsible and blamed for a number of disasters. To keep everyone safe, Akamai sent all Quintessentials back to their home countries and towns and lay low. As for Akamai herself... Well, she had to deal and solve tragic issues and events even though it's not possible to do so on her own.

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