Chapter 31

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London is truly beautiful.

Gaela and her Finnish mentor tread past streets of shops and houses, each step they took echoed through the quiet streets of the early dawn. Gaela walked by old castles and settlements of the past before she paused, gazing at a long bridge with two towers by each side, her brown eyes dilating in awe. It's her first time seeing something so medieval-like. Despite being the complete opposite of Hong Kong, London still have its charm. The tall skyscrapers of Hong Kong are exalting but the old medieval-Normandy streets are majestic.

"That's the tower Bridge, Mistress Hisame used to sit on that tower when she's observing her targets!" The deranged man Gaela consider her mentor exclaimed as he pointed at one of the two towers. The lips beneath the tightly wrapped bandages tugged upwards as Veikko continued, "me and my brother used to watch her. Every step, every movement, every breath.... He founded an Agency nearby as a result. That bridge will watch over us forever and always just like how Mistress Hisame saved us from suffering...."

The man stopped before he started breathing heavily, unstable eye darting around wildly. "Hisame.... Mistress Hisame... Gaela, she's wonderful.... Hisame—!" The man suddenly lost his balance and Gaela immediately caught hold of him, wrapping Veikko's arm around her shoulders. "Easy there opettaja, she's dead." Gaela said, trying to comfort the emotional man, "I'm here. Hisame is dead."

The Finnish man nodded before sniffling, his tears from his visible eye staining the bandages around his face. "Let's go," he finally said, walking a bit faster towards the streets full of coffee shops, "I want to cry with my brother together." Gaela just nodded and picked up her pace.


The bookshelf behind the staff room of the coffee shop did a good job hiding the agency. As soon as Veikko pulled out a copy of a book, the bookshelf revealed an elevator, sending the duo deep down into the earth to a secret Agency full of heroes who stops crime by committing crime. How ironic.

People whispered and stared at Gaela and Veikko in disbelief and awe as herself and Veikko walked down the white halls with shiny polished black tiles, past training grounds and computer rooms. Gaela wondered why she got so many looks of horror and awe. "You look like your mother," Veikko suddenly said. Gaela paused. "Of course," Gaela finally said.

The duo finally reached the room Veikko wanted. The office of his brother apparently, who's the leader of this agency. Gaela stared a the metal door in front of her intensely, feeling strangely uneasy. Veikko let out a snort before he opened the door without knocking, strolling in like it's his office instead of his brother's.

"Haven't you heard of knocking veli?"
"What's that?"
"Very funny."

Gaela froze, feet stubbornly stuck to the entrance of the doorway. In front of Gaela sitting in an office chair behind a giant table is the Finnish blonde she met a few years before. Tall, blonde and gorgeous with dark brown eyes that doesn't seem right. Under normal circumstances, any girl would swoon over the man in his twenties. However after training under Gaela's father and opettaja, Gaela have good instincts. The pretty Finnish man isn't just any normal human. There seem to be a strong aura of danger and bloodlust radiating from him - it is as if he's stronger than Veikko, stealthier than Veikko and more cunning than Veikko. Gaela shivered.

"Come on in."

Gaela unexpectedly obeyed the man, walking into the office much to her dismay. What's up with him? Is Gaela scared of him? If so, why? "I raised Mistress Hisame's daughter real well!" Veikko exclaimed, throwing an arm around his younger brother, "look at this beauty! Gaela, introduce yourself!" Gaela hesitated.

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