Chapter 42

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Koori cannot forget his face. Ever little facial feature and characteristic bored itself into Koori's long term memory. That complete b*stard of a human. He was the one who killed Koori's father and mother. He was the one who trapped Koori underground and destroyed his father's company headquarters whom worked so hard to build. Koori will get his revenge soon. He will kill that damn monster with his own two hands along with everyone close to him. But there was one problem with that....

Koori Dal folded his arms as he smiled warmly at a Russian woman standing opposite of him on the rooftop of the dilapidated building that used to be the Dal Headquarters. "Thank you for getting me, Miss Valeska Schuyler," Koori thanked, "without you, I'd be trapped in the underground lab for god knows how long,"

Valeska Schuylor was a tall and elegant woman with long golden-silver hair which falls over her chest and piercing grey blue eyes. She was a woman of beauty and menace. Like a rose, she was gorgeous — however the thorns under her facade aren't to be ignored. The Russian woman stared at Koori coldly in response. "Please, call me Ved'ma. I am only helping you because I need to find Braun." The woman said simply, "I have no use for you otherwise."

That was the problem. Koori cannot kill Brian Speller. If he did, Ved'ma would kill him for killing her son. However, Ved'ma knew nothing about who Brian Speller was. She probably never heard of that name before. Even if she did, Brian Speller is merely a name amongst the Rí an Ghealach. Koori chuckled to himself. He cannot kill Brian directly but he can have Ved'ma to do the job for him if he can plan it right.

"Ved'ma, the Angel's Executioner, TRAXX and the Rí am Ghealach have to die," Koori started, "y'know... they tried to kill your son." Ved'ma's grey eyes flickered in consideration. "Why them? Not Justice? Not the Häyhä brothers? Not even that chessman?" What about others? Can I even trust you?" The Russian woman pulled out an eleven inch switchblade and pressed it against Koori's chest robotically. The night breeze kissed Koori's cheeks softly. The boy didn't move at all. The pleasant smile didn't disappear from his face either, completely fearless of death.

"Of course you can trust me. Let's see; I have information from my secretary on about the Angel's Executioner. They're related to Harry Robinson. As you know, Harry Robinson had stolen from your house before right? I heard your stepdaughter saw the man in action. Isn't that right?" "I never had a daughter," Ved'ma growled coldly, "shut up." Koori held up his hands in defeat, still smiling. "Wouldn't you think that phantom thief will go after Braun after he disappeared? Are they the one who lured him away from home?"

Ved'ma hesitanted.

"TRAXX on the other hand... Well, TRAXX and your soon-to-be-daughter Akamai Shi have a little history. To put it simply, the two had a showdown and played cat and mice before in the past. I'm sure my secretary had a lot of fun watching the two scurry about." Koori stifled out a chuckle of amusement as he continued. "Akamai Shi found Gary Akise and the boy helped her clear a TRAXX murder case. That boy is now the Quintessential Detective in St. Peter's. Amazing right? What do you think the feisty, ill tempered and violent TRAXX will try and do?"

"Kill Akamai Shi and Gary Akise," Ved'ma answered indisputably. "Wrong. That wouldn't be enough for our vengeful and barbaric killer. TRAXX will go after Braun Schuyler, Akamai's precious fiancé." "That seems....." The golden haired Russian assassin furrowed her brows and pondered a bit. "...Quite plausible."

"At last, the Rí an Ghealach! Ah, the infamous group of killers who work under Cillian Häyhä. They are a group of villains. Fiends. They are talented and misguided people. All of them. If Cillian finds out where Braun is, he will order his precious group of killers to go after the boy to agonise you. You two have a long history right?"

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