Chapter 11

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"Maybe you're too harsh on her Kami." Shauna said softly as the short-tempered neon green haired girl and her bluish purple haired friend walked out of the airport. Kami puts her spray paints and scissors away and huffed, eyes furrowing, tired from her feat. "You're right Shauna, she don't deserve to die." Kami muttered, "I need to go back to school again so I guess I'm not that happy with it but hey, at least I spared that little brat." "I-I guess so...! You softened overtime." Shauna chuckled as she put a few needles and sharp polished metal sticks and screws back into her snake-skin bag.

"T-The poor thing must be horrified to see you brutally ending his mother's life like that... The least I can do is to meddle with his mind and give him neurological disorders and hopefully he won't remember much.." Shauna mumbled, shuttering as she brushed her arms. Kami looked at the skilled neurologist before sighing. "Thanks," she muttered. "It's nothing Kami, now off to school you go! I'll go and met up with Sakura and Lucia to see what they have for us." Shauna gave Kami a sweet smile and Kami rolled her eyes.

"Of course. I'll go to school now, I'll see you later." Kami mumbled before walking away with a huff. Shauna chuckled at Kami's spiteful behaviour before a serene smile made its way up on her face. She tried to brush strands of her lavender hair away from her eyes but no avail. However she paid no mind to her hair blocking her view as she watched Kami's retreating figure making its way towards a taxi. "Best of luck with school, TRAXX." Shauna hummed.


"....It'z her."
"Zhe's still alive?! Zhat b*tchy freak should zust kill herself. I thought peace'll finally cume to zhis school."
"Don't mess with her. She's strong."
"Zhe school should expel this delinquent."

The atmosphere of the school immediately dropped as the students of all years and classes whispered chipped cinematic words in German about the girl as they gazed at the neon green haired teen in fear, hatred and discomfort. Kami paid no mind to them as she made her way to her locker and grabbed her books. Her malevolent cyan eyes bore into the timetable in her hands and she clicked her tongue. "Maths," she growled.

Kami is never that fond of school. It's a waste of time and she'd use any valid excuse she have to skip class and school in general or just get suspended. There are better things to do such as earning money to support her mother and sister as well as Pumpkin, finding clues and locations where her dearest might be, drawing graffitis as a coping mechanism for everything she's been through, fighting or killing thugs in street fights for some cash and of course murdering people because she's a skilled hitman.

"Excuse me, Kami is it..?" A male voice asked. Kami ignored the boy and continue trying to stuff her math books in her bag, muttering some profanities. A loud crash is heard from him as he punched the locker next to Kami, glaring at her. Students started to gather and talked in hush whispers. "Ignoring me I see?" He hissed, "just because you stole my title as the most violent student in the school doesn't give you the right to ignore me. Me and my buddies will teach you a lesson for ignoring me while I get my title back."

Kami looked up with an innocent expression as she zipped the zip of her school bag up. "Sorry I speak English, not German. Please don't talk to me. Don't you even dare to try and touch me." Kami said in an almost perfect American accent as she tried to walk away. A yank on the shoulders from the boy ticked Kami off. The girl widened her eyes in fury and she threw a heavy blow straight into the boy's face with unimaginable strength, blasting the boy into the locker next to Kami's with a loud crash as a result, earning gasps and whispers from the spectators.

"Don't. Touch. Me." Kami snapped. The boy groggily got up and snarled as a gang of buff students behind the spectating students made their way forward. One by one, students started chanting 'fight' repeatedly, making the spiteful female feeling more at ease. It felt like she's back in the street fighting arena; she will not hold back. "This outcast just punched me in the f*cken face, let's teach her a lesson." The boy snarled, clutching his face in pain. The gang lunged at Kami all at once.

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