Chapter 19

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The lifeless electrocuted corpse of a corrupted businessman hung limply on a street lamp, dangling in the breeze for all to see. Screams, shouts and howls of alarm and agony can be heard from the bystanders as multiple people dial 999 and shriek bloodcurdling screams at the operators whose trying to comprehend what's going on.

The most valued spy of the Agency walked away from the scene rather calmly, whipping out her sunglasses, brushed strands of her pastel pink hair away and wore the glasses along with a victorious smirk. "Brian will surely love me now," Folisha hummed, "that's five hundred and twenty one lives ended - the digits of my beloved's birthday!"

Before Folisha can daydream her future with Brian together while blindly making her way to the agency in the café by the Tower Bridge, a phone call with the ringtone of Adrienne screaming 'IDIOT' repeatedly rung. Folisha snapped her out of her trance. With her infrared vision thanks to Lydie Wang, she got her phone out of her handbag in ease and stared at the screen, listening to the ringtone.

Adrienne Le Blank is calling her. Folisha especially chosen this ringtone for Adrienne's calls. She tapped where she think the answer button was. "Hello?" Folisha asked. "Folisha. Well done on your mission. I need you back to the agency quickly."

"Why? What's the rush?"
"According to Gaela, Maria Reginheraht and Lait Yi is attending the gala of the Royal Academy of Music."
"Alright, cool. What has that got to do with me?"
"......My gut isn't having this. You are the best spy in the agency. You need to go too. There will be a lot of people with status there. There got to be some assassins around the place. Something bad is going to happen."
"What can I do? I'm just a mere plebeian. I can't go undercover because guards'll be checking people's identities. Why don't you call someone like Brain, Akamai or Gaela who have status like you Mistress Le Blank?"
"Don't call me that—! W-Well, i-it's not like I want to have you around or anything you idiot! F-Forget it. Just come back to the agency. I need you to watch over the gala. I feel like some intruders are going to crash this place."
"M'kay. See you soon darling."

Folisha hung up.

"Let's see, a gala huh..." Folisha muttered as she continued walking towards the agency, "looks like I gotta prepare for tonight because Adrienne said something bad is going to happen. I'm just a mere commoner, I can't participate in a gala so I have to scout around the area I guess." Folisha then paused.

"Gaela... You are never one to care about much people. Did this fabricated happy-go-lucky school life softened your cold devoid soul....? Maria Reginheraht and Lait Yi, watch out. I don't intend to loose Gaela to you two. Brian is mine. Gaela is mine. Adrienne is mine. Rin is mine. Threatening is mine. The Rí an Ghealach is mine and mine only. It's the only family I have. I will protect them no matter what...."


It's like five in the evening after school and Gaela's in her bed, staring at her phone screen, scowling. Adrienne said it's best for her to go to the gala Lait and Maria is going because something bad is going to happen. Akamai and Brian is accompanying her because it's easy for them to go because they all have an 'identity' as Folisha puts it. "Hey Gaela!" A cheerful voice lilted, "how do I look in this dress?!"

Maria walked out of the bathroom, stunting in an elegant midnight blue knee length dress with beautiful silvery white gems cascading down from the chest to the waist in an uneven pattern like stars. Maria's hair is in a bun, beaming happily as she twirled around in her high heels. "How do I look?" She asked.

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