Chapter 14

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Gaela, Maria and Lait unpacked their suitcases in their dorm silently. None of them dared to speak nor make a sound let alone making eye contact. They just got back from Germany and Gaela have to admit; her trip there is a lot more trilling than she thought. "The trip to Germany was fun," Gaela finally said, breaking the silence.

"Yeah, fun." Lait chuckled awkwardly with a strained smile. Maria didn't dare to speak, she just continue unpacking. "I'm sorry... It's all on me. If it wasn't for my stupid brain nagging me to take them down, you two would never had a full background check as well as a temporary criminal record for harming them assholes...." Maria trailed off, a single tear slid down her cheeks, "I'm so sorry that you two have to deal with a depressed teenage homo like me...."

"It's fine Maria, really. A criminal record on sociopathic behaviour won't do any harm," Gaela said as she internally rolled her eyes. Thank god the State asked Akamai to do a background check on Gaela since she's the school's President. Akamai just laughed at Gaela's face when she heard about Gaela's little adventure with Maria and Lait.

Adrienne already solved the 'criminal record' problem. Adrienne hacked into the archive of the government and got rid of Gaela's criminal record (though Gaela and others gained no benefit from erasing that criminal record; it's not like Gaela is her real name anyways).

"Gaela's right, it won't do any harm," Lait said softly, "I'm sure they'd understand we fought back for self defence and got rid of me and Gaela's criminal record some time soon. Forget about those negative things, at least we're still alive. Also I don't know how I can deal with you too, you lovable quirky detective." Maria just nodded, looking down with a light blush. The playful, positive and happy aura that's usually around her started emitting off of her again. "Hey, wanna go to the cafeteria for some dinner?" Gaela suggested, "we can also talk to Akamai and others to cheer up a bit. Let's forget about what happened.

Maria and Lait agreed and the three headed towards the cafeteria. The walk was quiet and tranquil but as soon as the cafeteria door opened, they're greeted with the cafeteria full of bustling students. Gaela's brown eyes immediately landed on the unusual dark navy haired girl who's wrapping an arm around a blonde polyglot affectionately.

"Akamai." Gaela greeted as herself, Lait and Maria walked over. "Yo Gaela, hows the trip to Germany?" Akamai asked innocently with a smile. "The trip was rather.... enjoyable." Gaela commented, "I nearly died." Maria's brown eyes greeted the floor as she looked down in shame. Lait just put a reassuring hand on the detective's shoulder, trying to cheer her up.

"Wait. Y'all went to Deutschland without me?!" Alfred asked in utter shock, "and here I thought I can hone up my Deutsche because it's been a while since I went to Deutschland." "Well Alfred we can go to Germany sometime on a date or maybe a honeymoon~!" Akamai cheered, tightening her embrace on Alfred. Gaela have to admit, she completely forgot about Akamai still holding onto Alfred and her unrequited(?) love for him.

Alfred shook Akamai off with a blank look as he looked at Maria. "Maria geht es dir gut (Maria are you alright)?" He asked, "du siehst verärgert aus (you look upset)." Maria blinked a few times before speaking. "Ah, es ist nichts (it's nothing)." Maria mumbled. Alfred shot Maria a look of concern and was about to say something else before the cafeteria door burst open and an albino rushed in followed by a handsome chessman. The whole cafeteria went silent.

"MARIA!" Gary exclaimed as he frantically looked around. His rose red eyes met with Maria's dull brown eyes and he immediately rushed over with David following behind. "Maria you idiot! Who in the right mind would take down some hoodlums armed with guns and artillery with no one but two friends?!" Gary shouted, smacking a news article onto the cafeteria table.

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