Chapter 17

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Yinyu isn't always fond of his roommate's malicious methods to wake him up. Who can blame him though? Yinyu is a really really really heavy sleeper. Of course Rien needs to think of some way to wake him up quickly; and that means he have to use his sister's savage methods. From yanking Yinyu's soft warm duvet and tossing it across the room to putting his ice cold hands onto Yinyu's warm back to dumping a bottle of water that's laying in the fridge onto Yinyu's head, Rien did quite a lot of heart wrenching things. However, today's different.

"Wake up!" Rien exclaimed, shaking the half-sleeping Yinyu furiously, "come on Yin, wake up! Today's the day!" Yinyu groaned before burying his face into his soft comfy pillow, cherishing the warmth while shutting out what his roommate was saying. "Five more minutes Rien....." He mumbled groggily, "just five more minutes." "Come on— ay. Look at me." Yinyu proceed to open one eye and stare at his fully dressed roommate tiredly. "...Hand." Rien said, holding up his palm, "hand."

Immediately, Yinyu jolted up and got out of his bed within a split second.

"Damn you and your brutal waking methods mister YouTuber," Yinyu muttered as he groggily walked passed his dark-haired celebrity roommate and headed into the bathroom, turned on the tap to wash his face.

"Hey don't blame me!" Rien protested, "blame my older sister for doing all that to me and Ritchie at a young age. She hates the sounds of alarms and find them rather despicable. She have quite a case of insomnia too so she doesn't like alarms very much."

"...sorry," Yinyu said, remembering the tragedy that had befallen upon the Sun family. He then proceed to grab his toothbrush and toothpaste, putting a moderate amount of paste on his brush before brushing his teeth. "Hey, it's fine. There's nothing anyone can do about it. It's just an accident that f*cked things up. Like my sister said; she's just a very unlucky person." Rien said, looking down. "I sometimes wonder what life might be like with her still here..... But there's no use thinking about it. Today after school we're going to the airport and we'll arrive at Dublin around night time. Since we're going to Trinity to learn about medicine for Science, I can go visit Ritchie! It's been a while since I last saw him."

Yinyu nodded, rinsing his mouth before he spat the substance out. He then walked over to his closet and pulled out a comfy black hoodie and tracksuit bottoms. He threw them on and gave Rien a look. "Trinity is the most prestigious university in Ireland and amongst the most elite in Europe right?" Yinyu asked, "it have quite a connection to University of Oxford and the University of Cambridge too. My mentor talked about it very fondly and he always wish to see the Book of Kells but no avail." "Mhm. Trinity is famous for its rich history as well as its unique and inquiring ways of teaching its students. Trinity is no doubt one of the best school for learning medicine. I can see why our school would have a trip there. Anyways, enough of that. On with the real question: who's cooking today?"

And so, the two boys began their daily conflict.

"I'm a good cook!" Yinyu reasoned, "I can cook better dishes than you so I shall cook ourselves some good breakfast for the day ahead of us." "nONE SENSE!" Rien seethed, "I CAN COOK TASTIER MEALS THAN YOU RAISED-BY-THE-BRITISH HK EEJIT." "Oi. You burnt half of the kitchen down in your house when you tried to make your older brother breakfast on his birthday." Yinyu pointed out, "we don't want that here do you?" "Cut me some slack Yin! That's like 7 years ago!" Rien complained, "I can manage— Wait what time is it?"

The two turned their heads slowly and glanced at the clock hanging by the centre of their apartment; right above the unused TV. It reads 8:55. "f*CK. WE'RE LATE!" Rien cursed, "let's call it even today. We'll buy food in the canteen and the airport." "Fine," Yinyu agreed, "let's go." And so, the two teenagers quickly grabbed their backpacks and dashed out of the door. "Oh yeah wish me luck sis," Rien said quickly, turning back to give a photograph by the doorway a peace sign and locked the door.

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