Chapter 66

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If Lait had to be honest, she really wanted to cherish her touching reunion with her long lost friend, whom now follow the alias NEAR. Lait smiled, it suited her. However it seemed that the tension in the room escalated quickly. Bing Dal glared at NEAR in a mixture of horror and distrust. The lady in return looked back with a rather calm demeanour.

"What relations do you have with them Cinn?" Bing echoed, "why do you seem so close yet... so far?" "They are my former acquaintances. We are simply having a reunion." The principal answered back, "you should know this Koori; especially since it's because of Kami and Lait that I was met with a bitter Fate." "..." Bing stared at Maria, Gary and Billie. "Why are the hostages here..?" He trailed off. "Are you the one behind this?!" He lashed out.

"Who knows." NEAR shrugged, "Gary, Maria or Billie might be the ones who broke out of that place when I left them. They are all very talented individuals who has interactions with Barry Grady before. You're underestimating them." If Lait remembered correctly from a textbook she read about locks, Barry Grady is the Quintessential Locksmith who had long graduated but still had connections to the school. He has a rivalry with Rosaire Courtney, the Quintessential Escapologist. Silence fell between Dal and the principal.

"Gaela, kill her."

Gaela blinked in surprise has she looked up from Mister Yue's corpse. "Pardon?" "Kill her." Bing repeated, louder this time. "I have no use for a fickle pawn. I don't understand her. She's a threat, so go on and kill her for me." Gaela reluctantly aimed her rifle at the principal, her eyes flickering in uncertainty. "GAELA YOU MUST'NT!" Maria at the back cried out, "IF YOU DO, I'LL HATE YOU FOREVER!" Lait herself crossed her arms, silently judging Gaela's judgement.

"If you kill her," Akamai said loudly, "you will start a war with the Quintessentials. And as a Quintessential myself who leads others, you and I may become enemies. Be careful with what you wish for Gaela." "Just kill her already god dammit!" Bing cried out in frustration, "aren't you an assassin?! Isn't your life all about ending the lives of others? Why is it so difficult for you to end this one single life of a girl?!" Gaela hesitantly lowered her gun. Lait couldn't do anything but to watch the conflict in front of her. "Gaela..." She breathed.

"Why Gaela why?!" Bing Dal croaked as tears began to fall from his face. "For all my life, I've been doing what's best for you and planning to reunite with you again... I'm willing to sacrifice everything for you; including my identity just for you to come home with me where we can life a peaceful life together again. Maybe we wouldn't be in this mess if you just follow me back home when we first encountered each other..." Bing Dal choked out.

"I'm sorry Koori, I must stay here. As tempting as it sounds to be with you again, my real family is the Rí an Ghealach. We may not be bound together by blood but the comradeship I share with the Rí an Ghealach is real. It's a lot better and welcoming than our broken family." Gaela said, "I am very happy to hear how much I mean to you. And as your older sister, you have my condolences. I am no longer the sister you know me as. I am neither Itenokami Yuki nor Dal Seuno; I am Gaela. Gaela Itenokami. And you are not my brother Koori. You are now Mister Dal Bing."

"....I see." Bing echoed, revealing a worrisome device in his hand and another device. Lait's blood ran cold. It's a detonator... Were there bombs around the school?! If so, what does the other device in his hands do?! "Gaela, if you don't want to come home with me, nobody will be able to leave here alive. I will kill everyone here, including myself. This is what you made me do sister; if I can't have you, nobody can." Bing Dal jammed down on both buttons on his devices. The detonator beeped in response, signalling a countdown whilst the whole school began whirring and clattering.

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