Chapter 39

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Gaela can only watch helplessly in the middle along with their newest member Folisha as Rin and Adrienne continue to bicker in the hallways of the agency. Right outside of Mr. Häyhä's office too. Brian went inside the office since their fearful boss wanted to have a nice little chat with Brian about their squadron and their newest member.

"I do not wish to contend with you Rin. It is evident an assassin with malicious intentions of killing someone in our group shouldn't join us," Adrienne hissed, glaring daggers at Rin. "Nonsense!" Rin exclaimed, wrapping an arm around Folisha (who grimaced in response), "Folisha is pretty and I need to have her join my harem!" "What are you on about Rin? Stop saying such inconceivable things!"

The door to Mr. Häyhä's office suddenly opened and Brian as well as the Finnish man stalked out. The two blondes almost have harmonious strides as if they were nearly exact copies of each other; except they weren't. Mr. Häyhä gave Brian a nod. "Adrienne, Rin, Gaela. Folisha have permission to join our squadron," Brian started. This earned a cheer from Rin.

"However..." Mr. Häyhä continued, "she must prove to be worthy of living." Mr. Häyhä's cold eyes glared at Folisha, his dark brown eyes clouded with hatred. "She tried to kill my beautiful gem. That is unforgivable." He turned to Brian. "Cadet Speller. Kill her if she dares to touch Gaela." Brian nodded.

"Putting that aside, I have a mission for this... squadron." Mr. Häyhä said, struggling to utter out the word 'squadron', "in Kashmir, there are rebels fighting for freedom of Indian rule. Those pests are upsetting the people. They are degenerates staining our paradise. Your mission is to find the camp and obliterate them. Lydie Wang have more information on them for you. I've already booked your tickets for tomorrow morning. Let's see how efficient this newfound squadron is."

With that, Mr. Häyhä bounded off. Gaela can only watch the man retreat as her mind was flooded with mixed emotions. "Let's talk with Miss Lydie and plan this out," Adrienne said as she fixed her glasses, "it's time for me to put my brain to use." Gaela, Rin and Brian all voiced their agreement. Their newest member, Folisha, can only nod with an indescribable expression.


Footsteps, fumbling by the door, a small click, footsteps retreating. The door separating Trinamani and the world outside could now be opened.

The Kashmiri boy immediately opened his eyes and was greeted with the ceiling of the shanty himself and some boys rested in. It was finally morning. Trinamani held up his tanned hands and stared at it. It was covered with blisters and scars from harsh training to become a soldier to fight for the freedom of his country. He sat up slowly, careful not to wake others up before reaching for the door and ignored the complaints of his aching muscles.

Trinamani opened the door, back faced away from other sleeping boys. Back faced away from his previous life as a village kid. Back faced away from his wishes to go home. The mountains of the Freedom Camp were as stunning as always. The biome stretches across the horizons and the mountains were rocky and tough like the rebels themselves. Some ice can be seen on mountains, reflecting the morning sunrise right back to the sky and the iciness of the people in the camp.

This place, this freedom comp was his home now. Not the small peaceful village five thousand miles away. Trinamani was now a soldier fighting for freedom, not the village boy he was a few months ago. Those day were long gone.

♕♚An Assassin's Faith♔♛حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن