Chapter 43

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Akamai waved at the retreating coach full of her beloved students, wiping away the tears remaining on her cheek. The dim windows barely revealed the students in the small bus but they were there; waving at Akamai. Some were crying, some were smiling and few didn't bat an eye at her. They all have different ways to express themselves. Akamai smiled, feeling her heart at ease now that the Quintessentials were away. The coach finally disappeared down the street.

After bidding farewell to Akamai's beloved group of Quintessentials, Akamai turned to the school entrance. A tall boy with silver blonde hair and piercing grey blue eyes wearing a buttoned up white shirt and black pants sat on the low tilting roof, watching Akamai silently. His expressionless face rested on a hand while his other hand rested on his legs that were slightly apart. "Chris," Akamai acknowledged.

Christopher Lecky leaped down from the five metres high entrance top and landed on his feet with ease. "It's not like you to be lenient," Christopher said amusedly, "I haven't seen you cry in years. When was the last time you cried? When Braun ran away and Valerie was killed?"

Akamai's face darkened as she snarled at the taller boy. "Shut the f*ck up. I'm doing my job." "And getting too attached to your 'students'," Christopher added. "Aren't you attached to a monster who you need to kill Chris?" Akamai sneered. Christopher hesitated. "Yeah," he answered. A moment of silence weaved between the two's short talk. "So, keep each other's secrets away from mama/my mistress?" They both asked in sync. Akamai smirked at Christopher, who cracked a very diminutive smile in return. "Of course." They chorused again. "Akamai, let's go. Mama's waiting for us." Christopher said.

"Yeah sure. Lead the way Chris." With that, Akamai followed Christopher out of the school campus, towards the lively streets of London. It wasn't long before Akamai and Christopher went through backstreets, alleyways and rusty ladders that leads to rooftops. Throughout the whole journey, Akamai couldn't help but feel worried. What if her Mistress orders Akamai to kill the Quintessentials? What would Akamai have to do? Kill her students or break free from her Mistress' commands right in front of her face? As if Christopher knew what Akamai was thinking of, he placed a hand on her shoulder reassuringly.

"Don't worry. I will help keep your students safe. David is a Quintessential who has been under your care. I will assist you if you need me Akamai." Akamai felt the anxiety on her shoulders creep away. "So Chris when's the wedding?" Akamai asked. Christopher looked away reluctantly. "Not anytime soon. David is interested in—"

"You two are late."

A golden blonde haired lady with little to no presence suddenly stood out like light in the dark behind Akamai. Ved'ma's cold grey eyes gazed at her two loyal subjects as she crossed her arms. Christopher fell silent and dropped to the floor into a bow. Akamai did the same; getting onto one knee and placed a hand across her chest and bowed.

"My Mistress. The principal of St. Peter's had given me their plans. The principal isn't going to follow Dal's orders. Instead, they're doing what they believe is right or something like that. I apologise for being late." Akamai lied discreetly. "Akamai informed me about it. It is remarkable how a number of Quintessentials are still overseas so it may be hard to kill them all." Christopher said. "We don't have to kill them," Ved'ma said dismissively, "we have money and we don't need more. But I have matters I want to talk about with you two." Akamai and Christopher fell silent. They didn't have to kill the Quintessentials? This was better than Akamai had thought. "What is it mama?" Christopher asked.

"From now on, I'll be working with Bing Dal and Justice." Ved'ma said, "Bing Dal knows where Braun is. I shall work for him to find him. He's been missing for years now." Ved'ma closed her eyes. "I want to see him again." Akamai and Christopher remained dead quiet as the Russian woman went on. "Working under Dal means death. He is an absolute monster who wouldn't hesitate to discard his pawns. I can definitely see myself dying. It's inevitable. I just want you two to know, I value you. Thank you for being my pawns I can use on my jobs. Especially you my son; you've been with me ever since you're born."

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