Chapter 33

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Gaela and Brian watched as the blue haired girl stood up and held the switchblade in her hands. She began hacking away with her blade once again, an aura of determination, diligence and passion radiating off of her.

"Hey." Gaela said as she looked at Brian. "What does a squadron do?" Brian gave Gaela a look. "A squadron head out on missions together," Brian replied, "the reward they earn is split equally. Normally squadrons get to participate in bigger and bolder missions. You need to be exceptionally good to join a squadron. There has to have at least three members. One can't leave a squadron so easily so it'll be hard to separate the people inside a squadron. I see why Rin would like to be in a squadron since she talk about excitement and thrills often." Gaela narrowed her eyes. "Who is Rin?"

"Rin Shiota. Born on the 14th of February. Age sixteen. 165cm tall. Weighs 50kg. Blood type O. Nationality of Japan. Coordination: 3/5. Cardiovascular endurance: 1/5. Intelligence: 5/5. Muscular endurance: 3/5. Speed: 5/5. Strength: 4/5." Brian recited, eyeing the girl, "she is very quick witted and quite strong. She is often underestimated. It is unknown if her abnormal eye and hair colour are natural. Her medical papers are confidential. She's in the infirmary unit where she treats injuries, lacerations and she had performed a few operations that revolves slicing off limbs and organs. Loud, energetic and quite daring, she joined the agency two years ago."

"Interesting," Gaela commented, "have you ever talked to her before? You seem to know her well." "No. I've never interacted with her. I simply memorised her files." Brian said. "A squadron get to stick together for missions and can be hard to separate... Brian, are you in a squadron?" Gaela asked. The blonde shook his head. "A squadron isn't my thing. I work solo. I am trained under Mr. Häyhä himself; I have enough life-threatening tasks to deal with."

Gaela nodded before she held onto Brian's hand, intertwining their fingers. Gaela's cold hand interlaced with Brian's firmly, refusing to let go any time soon. Brian flinched before trying to loosen up. However his body was still tense and uneasy. "Lets form our own squadron Brian. Miss Shiota would like to join a squadron and we can form one since there's three of us here. We can never be separated from each other ever again." Gaela said.

Brian looked down at the shorter girl, dark blue eyes softening just a bit before nodding. With that, the duo approached the blue haired girl with their hands still interlaced, as if afraid to let the other go and loose each other again.

"Cadet Rin Shiota." Brian began, "you would like to be in a squadron am I correct? Would you take Gaela and I to form a squadron? I'm sure Mr. Häyhä wouldn't mind." Rin stopped hacking with her switchblade and narrowed her eyes. She contemplated Gaela and then Brian, light green-blue eyes darkening.

"Brian Speller. Itenokami Hisame's daughter. Are you two mocking me...?" The blue haired girl asked slowly. "You know, not everyone in this world is gifted like you two. It must be a blessing to be trained under a Häyhä brother. Veikko, or shall I say Kuutamo, is a very talented killer and learning under him must be a bliss. Amirite miss daughter of Itenokami Hisame?" Rin gave Gaela an unwelcoming look. "Being the daughter of a killer have its perks." She then turned to Brian.

"Brian you are trained by Cillian Häyhä himself right? You must know his ways then. Go and seduce another women or something and slaughter them in the worst way possible Brian. Miss daughter of Hisame Itenokami can go live a life of luxury and love. Such a premiere lady like yourself don't belong here. Why don't you two stay away from me and I don't know. Go and chat up some CEO or something and marry them before killing them to inherit their money?"

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