♕♚ E⃟p⃟i⃟l⃟o⃟g⃟u⃟e⃟ ♔♛

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How long has it been? A decade.

It was on a rather cloudy morning in Gaela's eyes that day; an enormous overcast loomed over the vast lands of the Schuyler residence. Gaela and David walked hand in hand past a beautiful flower garden and stopped by a little secluded area beneath a willow tree. Gaela's eyes softened.

Tombstones. Lots of it.

"Mama, what are these small stone walls?" The little girl behind Gaela and David asked, an innocent gleam twinkling in her bright brown eyes, very much like her father's. "This is called a gravestone Valerie." The boy holding her hand explained, "dead people are underneath it." The little girl was the age of seven and a half. She was a bright and intelligent child with the appearance of her mother but the eyes of her father. She is Gaela's treasure.

David smirked before he turned around and ruffled the little boy's blonde hair. "Schon you are very well educated," David grinned, "you really do take up after your father." "Mister Caelan and Schon aren't the same papa!" Little Valerie huffed as she stomped her feet, "Mister Caelan doesn't play with me!" "Schon's dad is busy Val, maybe he'll play with you when he finishes with his work. How about you go ask Mister Christopher and Eric to play with you?" David asked Valerie, "me and your mom needs some alone time Val. Schon, go find Eric with Val. I'm sure he's more than happy to play with you two after his dad finishes tutoring him."

The little blonde boy nodded dutifully as he took Valerie's hand and rushed off, dragging the little girl with him to find the head of the Schuyler estate to play with them. Gaela and David stood there in silence, gazing gravely at the row of tombstones with the names of the deceased written in golden paint.

Braun Schuyler | Brian Speller
瑳月 | 潮田
Trinamani Veer | Threatening
Fuze Nethercott
Valeska Schuyler

A slight movement behind Rin's gravestone caught Gaela's sharp eyes. A normal assassin would fire their gun or throwing knife at it, but Gaela knew who it was. "Come out. There's no use hiding from us." Gaela suddenly said. David Moon glanced in that direction, his brows furrowed and reaching for the handgun in his suit pocket. However Gaela stopped him.

A girl by the age of thirteen appeared behind the gravestone with soft ginger hair and light green eyes behind her glasses. The teenager had scowl on her face as she harrumphed. "Ah Adrienne." Gaela echoed, "you're here to pay respects to the dead too?" "No." The girl rolled her eyes, "I... erm, I'm not sure." David raised his brow in amusement.

"That's right. Adri misses everyone dearly!"

A lady with long wavy pink hair hopped down from the large willow tree, putting her hands on her hips with a grin. As beautiful as she appeared to be, her soft pastel pink hair was losing colour and her eyes were clouded with such sorrow and melancholy, without a will to live. But it's okay. Folisha had been like this ever since Brian had passed away. "We were paying respects to our fallen comrades before we hear you two coming Dave and Gaela. We would greet you but the fact that little Valerie accompanied you two, we decided to hide."

"I see, thank you Folisha and Adrienne. Thank you for respecting our choice of not exposing Valerie to personnels of the Underworld. Now that my kid is gone, we can all pay respects to them together," David smiled, "we have a lot to talk about and reflect upon. Let's all use this moment to reminisce together." "Hmph. You leave me with no choice but to comply David," Adrienne huffed with her arms crossed. She quickly got out from behind Rin's grave and appeared by Gaela's side. Folisha did the same, appearing by Gaela's side in elegant strides.

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