Chapter 6

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The Weston Airport is a small pilot academy not far from Dublin. It may be a small pilot academy but it's perfect for the mission because it's security isn't the best and it's the quickest way to reach Castleisland quickly. The rain poured down onto the small group as Adrienne, Brian, Maili and Gaela went over the dangerous barbed wire fence before walking past countless Cessnas and runways. They finally stopped by a helicopter and Adrienne nodded in approval as the lightening flashed.

"This'll do. Ma171 do you mind?" Adrienne asked as Maili nodded, artificial brown eyes gleaming lifelessly yet abnormally happily in the stormy moonlight. "Of course Adrienne, I'm connecting with the helicopter right now... I'll have to jam the signal a bit and I'm just gonna...... and done!" Maili exclaimed as the helicopter door opened along with its lights. Everyone hopped in and Maili placed her hands onto the joystick of the helicopter, her pupils darting all over the place with complicated diagrams and symbols flashing through her eyes.

The propellers to the helicopter started spinning slowly before going at an insane speed. "Castleisland, here we come! Nicole Little, watch your back!" Maili cheered as she pulled the joystick and heading South West, towards county Kerry.

The flight towards Kerry was surprisingly short and tense. Adrienne watched intensely and nodded every once in a while when Maili began explaining how the helicopter works and how to drive it. With the little time Adriennne is given to learn how to drive an aircraft, she memorised everything for a basic flight. She isn't an absolute prodigy for nothing.

Gaela and Brian quickly changed into their safety gears and put on their parachutes while the two girls are at it. Gaela double checked her stun rays and tear gas canisters one more time before looking at her lovely and trustworthy Nemesis 6x Generation 2ID case with a faint smile that doesn't match with her dead eyes. "The weapon's are ready. Let's go over the plan one last time Gaela." Brain stated and Gaela nodded.

The duo reviewed material their one more time before giving Adrienne a nod. Adrienne tossed her phone into Brian's hands and he opened her phone, scrolled through the internet and then showed Gaela the booked tickets at eleven in the morning for Antonio Diaz and Gilbert Wolfrik aka Maili in her male disguise and Brian in a different attire.

"It's currently four in the morning. When we arrive at Crag Cave, we're going to cave dive into the river nearby and into the cave since we don't wanna risk entering the long series of stairs behind that metal door. When we reached the cave, we'll start marking an escape route and take down areas and put down tear glass canisters in areas where Nicole Little might attack her victims. After that Brian and Maili can go up to take the tour while Gaela can hide somewhere in the dark. When Nicole's going to lay a finger on Ryan Boyd or anyone else, Gaela'll strike and Brian can help out. Maili you can disguise yourself as Nicole and hopefully the tour'll end smoothly." Adrienne explained one last time, fixing her glasses in the progress.

"And we're here." Maili said as she stood up slowly. Adrienne slid into the pilot seat to take over. "I'm sorry I can't accompany with you all. This mission isn't really suitable for me to take action in so I'll drop you all off. I guess this is where we depart." Adrienne said as she opened the helicopter door. As soon as the door opened, everyone was greeted with the fierce cold wind and the loud roaring of the helicopter.

"Gaela, Brian. Your transceivers." Maili said as she handed the duo the little gadget, "it's waterproof. Very useful to have around. Miss Lydie made it. Also I'll talk to you all through this." Gaela and Brian nodded and quickly put it on along with their safety goggles while Maili watched awkwardly, putting on a parachute. "Adrienne, you can just wait for us to tell you 'mission accomplished'.' Brian said before he jumped off the helicopter followed by Maili. Gaela shot Adrienne one last look before jumping off too.

♕♚An Assassin's Faith♔♛Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora