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Alex, as per usual, had been right.

Saivtar wasn't to be trusted. After Barry's little pep talk to him about wanting to make his life normal again, he did exactly what Alex had predicted. He wanted her in his life but knew that she was always going to be with Barry, not him. He betrayed them, and with that had blown up STAR Labs using the philosopher's stone.

The team gathered back in Alex's apartment, it was safe there, for now. Gypsy had shown up with Cisco, the two of them breached into her apartment and argued about whether or not she deserved a thanks or not. Cisco decided that she didn't earn it, and along with that, discovered that they were connected.

Cisco was relieved to see Alex standing there, alive and well. He rushed to her first and pulled her into a bone crushing hug. Their moment was cut short as he announced that he knew exactly what Savitar was up to. He wanted the bazooka so that he could project himself into every second of time.

Wally, Barry, Gypsy, and Cisco were all ready to go and fight Savitar. With Alex still lacking her powers, she wasn't going to be of much use. She hated having to sit on the sidelines for this, but she knew that if she was there, she would only be getting in harms way. For now, it was best to just stay at her home with her brother.

Cisco had fooled Savitar's plan. He didn't create the splicer that he wanted him to make, but instead, a key to getting Jay out of the Speed Force. He had been in that prison far longer than any of them wanted him to be. The moment that he tried to go through with his ascension, Jay would be freed.

Though it seemed like things were going their way, Alex still had fear. Savitar was powerful before he could be come a god, and even though his time was limited, he could still do lots of damage. With HR already gone, she didn't want to lose anyone else that she was close with.

Alex paced back and forth as he sat on the couch. The others had left not long ago and it was driving her crazy that she couldn't be there. She ran a hand through her blonde hair, hoping that everything would work out. It was easy to tell that she was worried about her friends being safe without her.

Part way through her pacing, she had dropped to her knees, grabbing her head in pain.

Whatever Savitar had shot her up with, it was finally going away. Dylan knelt down beside her, worried about her safety. When she looked up at him, a grin was covering her cheeks and lightning flickered in her eyes. She was back and ready to take down Savitar once and for all.

Dylan stood back to give her some space. She stood up, tall and proud. Right before his eyes, he had become the hero that had saved Central City more than once. Mirage, in her blue and black suit, stood, ready to fight with her powers back up and running. "Good luck, Mirage," Dylan grinned at his sister.

Alex ran off to where she was told Savitar was planning his ascension. She had been worried that her powers weren't going to come back but they had surged through her just in time. The fear that she held had disappeared and now all she felt was anger towards Savitar. They had tried to help him after all the pain he caused and he still chose to betray them.

As fast as she could, Alex ran and ran. She ran through the trees and to the green space where Savitar had centuries to plan his ascension to become a god. Metal shards of his suit were scattered in the grass but that wasn't what caught her attention. Savitar had been running straight for Barry without him knowing.

By her guess, with everything going on that night, she assumed that he was going to kill Barry without hesitation. It was why Alex didn't hesitate either.

Alex Holt held onto Savitar's shoulder with one hand, while the other went straight through his chest. A final gasp of air emitted from him, catching the attention of the others. Savitar fell to the ground as Alex pulled her arm out of his chest. It was just like in Flashpoint, she had pulled a Reverse Flash.

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