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"What the hell were you thinking?"

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"What the hell were you thinking?"

Alex was furious. After she left her little chat with Joe and Wally, she headed back to STAR Labs. Barry was gone and she had tried to force an answer out of Cisco with no avail. Zoom called her boyfriend over to CCPD and he had made sure that he was to come alone. Barry made the team promise that Alex wouldn't know that he left.

Cisco was pinned to the wall with the collar of his shirt tightly in the grasp of an angry Alex. Barry ran in, distraught but seemingly okay. He caved and told her that he had gone to see Jay without any backup. To say that she was furious was an understatement. Alex was fuming at the thought that he went alone.

After all the times that they had fought Zoom together, she thought that he would understand that he couldn't beat that monster alone. His peppy, invincible attitude had finally driven her over the edge. In no way was what he did acceptable to her. They were a team, that meant that they had to equally put themselves at risk.

As soon as Barry stopped running into the cortex he was dragged to another room so that she could yell at him in private. Although they were only one wall away from the others and they could most likely hear everything that she was saying, she didn't seem to mind. Alex was pissed that he risked his life after she just got him back.

"Zoom could have killed you!" Alex paced in front of her boyfriend. "He could have easily killed you. Or me, or anyone else in this city. We're not strong enough to stop him, Bare. Not now, not before, maybe not ever. He's too powerful for just your speed, you needed me there with you. At least together we stand a chance against him.

"He just talked to you this time but what about next time, huh? You're not going to be this lucky every time. You can't just fuck off like that! Not after I already lost you once, I'm not about to lose you again. I don't think you realize how heartbroken I was without you, I can't go through that again - not for real this time."

Barry stopped her pacing and pulled her closer towards him. "You're not going to lose me. Not now, not ever. We can stop Zoom, I know we can. We are strong enough, Alex I know it. The two of us can do anything together, we have the Speed Force, we have each other, what else do we need?"

Alex sighed. Of course he tried to argue with her with his reliance on the Speed Force. She was getting tired of hearing about how confident he was in himself - it was going to get him hurt. Just because Barry and herself had a safety net of speed healing, the rest of the team didn't. One of them could easily get hurt instead.

Alex shook her head, there was no point in trying to argue with him, not while he had a one track mind. Barry followed after her as she stormed out of the room, he called out her name but she didn't stop. The last thing she wanted to do was fight with him and she knew that if she stayed in the tiny room any longer she would have.

"We need to stop this meta from taking down any more buildings," Alex announced as she came back into the room. They had heard her yelling but said nothing about the matter. The team agreed with her, Barry was being irresponsible. "Zoom is holding too much power over everyone right now."

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