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"What's going on with you

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"What's going on with you. Seriously, Alex, I'm really worried about you."

Barry found Alex down in the pipeline. She had been running in hopes to out run her problems or maybe even run fast enough to go back to the future. She didn't know what she was trying to accomplish but the feeling of running brought her at least a little bit of peace that she so craved to have.

After laps and laps, she had finally stopped. Her lungs were heaving for air and her legs felt like jello. Alex collapsed onto the cold metal floor. Tears streamed down her face and she couldn't stop the sobs from emitting from her. She was going to die, and according to those she trusted must, it couldn't be stopped.

By the time that Barry found her, all the tears had stopped and she had nothing but a cold, dead, look on her face. She seemed to be hollow of everything. No emotions coursed through her and she felt nothing on the inside. There had been a time in her life where that was what she was like daily, she never thought she'd be like this again with Barry around.

Barry sat down next to her, he was in his suit from the museum opening while she was still in her Mirage costume. "There's something that I've been keeping from you. There's a reason that I didn't tell you and I know how you're going to react. I'm sorry, Barry for everything. For how I've been acting, for keeping you in the dark...

"When I threw the Philosopher's Stone into the Speed Force, I didn't get lost in there like I said. I ran to the future," Alex told him. He was shocked by her words - she had never even run to the past before and now she was able to do something that he couldn't? "And, I saw Savitar murder me. You were there, and you weren't fast enough to save me."

"No," Barry tried to deny, jumping up from his spot. That couldn't be possible. "We destroyed the Stone, Savitar's gone." Alex remained silent, she knew that he was going to freak out. "Is that why you've been having nightmares? And why Plunder? Why does he matter so much to you?"

"In the future, you're the on that catches Plunder, it says so in the news," Alex told him, she was still sitting in her spot while he stood above her. "I thought that maybe if I was the one to catch him then I could change my future. I'm sorry that I freaked out at you earlier, you didn't deserve that."

"You should have told me this," Barry ran a hand through his hair. A few tears streamed down his face at the fact that she withheld this piece of important information from him. "How long? How long do we have to change this?"

He was full on crying now. The thought of losing her tore him apart, just as it tore her apart. He couldn't live without her. Not now, not ever. Alex was the only person that he ever wanted to wake up next to in the morning and he wanted that to last for decades. Knowing that their time might be cut short drove him over the edge.

"Four months," Alex revealed. She finally stood up to comfort him. Barry pulled her into an embrace and never wished to let her go again. "Jay said that there's infinite possibilities about what my future can be but I'm not too sure. I'm losing hope, Barry."

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