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Alex knew at times that she could be reckless

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Alex knew at times that she could be reckless. She knew that if getting hurt meant that she would be able to save people, then she would do it without hesitation. It frustrated the rest of the team because she would never tell them what her plan was or where she was going, she would just do it.

So, when she came up with a plan to go save Caitlin, it put her right in the midst of harms way as well. Zoom was no longer the only meta from his Earth, he had brought back Rupture with him. The new meta looked exactly like Cisco's brother and believed that Cisco himself had killed his doppelganger.

The plan was simple, sneak in there while Zoom was preoccupied, get Caitlin out of there, and take her place so Zoom wouldn't notice. She felt as if she was a chess piece giving herself up as a sacrifice, but the team needed Caitlin more than they needed her. It wasn't her best plan, but no one else was doing anything to get her back.

Harry's words hurt her more than she thought they would. Alex never let what anyone said get to her, but this was different. For so long she thought she was making a difference in Central City fighting crime, but how much had she really done? How many lives did she think she saved when in reality it was always the Flash?

Alex never told Barry about her growing self-consciousness, he had enough to deal with. She knew that he wasn't going to approve of her plan either. Thankfully, he was distracted down in the basement, he was upset about the decision he had to make. Iris was the one to go talk to him, she was a little to quick to offer. 

However, Joe was the one to notice her walk out of the lab with a suspicious look on her face. He jogged over to catch before she got in the elevator. "Where are you headed off to?" He questioned. Alex shrugged at him. He was a cop, it was going to be hard to lie to him. She had lied to cops many times, but this was Joe.

"Just going to get some fresh air, feel all cramped up in here," Alex nonchalantly said. He could see right through her. Whatever she was up to, it was going to be no good for any of them. Without her, they had no defense against Zoom. The team needed her more than she knew they did.

"Don't do something stupid," Joe pointed his finger at her. Alex raised an eyebrow at him. "I know you're worried about Caitlin but losing you isn't going to help any of us. We need you here helping with a plan to stop Zoom. Without you we don't have a chance at saving anyone, at saving this city."

"You heard Wells," Alex refused to look him in the eye. Of course out of all the people that would try and stop her it would be him. Joe could read her so easily that it scared her. He knew what she was planning the moment that she stepped foot out of the cortex. "I'll never be enough to save anyone. The team needs Caitlin, not me."

"You think Barry would agree with that?" Joe argued. "Or Wally? Iris? You saved all of them more than once. What would Barry think if you were to just give up like this? Stop fighting because the same looking man that ruined your lives once already says that you're not the Flash? He's right, you aren't the Flash, but that doesn't mean that you're not just as important as him.

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