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"Okay, I'm about to make your best and worst dreams come true in one go," Cisco Ramon promised

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"Okay, I'm about to make your best and worst dreams come true in one go," Cisco Ramon promised. He seemed short of breath along with Iris standing right behind him. Whatever it was, he seemed nervous and was holding something that looked to be from the morgue.

As soon as they found out that Barry had been trapped in the Speed Force, Alex once again locked herself in Cisco's lab - which had pretty much become her own. She looked up everything that she could about the Speed Force but nothing seemed as if it was going to help them get it back.

Henry was watching over Jesse and Wells refused to leave her side - she was his only kid. They were all hard at work trying to keep their mind off of the fact that their team leader could be stuck in there forever if they didn't find a way to get him back. Alex was relieved that they had a chance - it was all she needed.

Getting Barry back was the only thing she cared about. The team knew that she would drive herself mad looking for a way to bring him home, but they knew not to question her at that time. Everyone was on edge, they all were trying not to gain false hope for their team leader, friend, and son back.

It was hard without Barry there. He was the heart and soul of the team and without him they were all lost. With Jesse injured and Wally having the chance of dark matter running through his system, they were all concerned with their future. Alex knew that the best way for her not to work herself into a panic was to get her hands dirty.

"What did you do?" Alex set the marker that she was using down. Unfamiliar equations were written on the board and the two only assumed that it had to do with the Speed Force. Once she had her mind set on something it was impossible to get her to quit. They always admired her determination.

"Okay first of all, why do you always have to assume that I did something?" Alex gave him a look which was enough for the two to understand her reasoning. "Okay fair enough. Anyways, our particle accelerator explosion turned Girder into a zombie and we need you to go stop him. You have him in the ol' roster just do your thing and see where he is."

"Cisco if I turn into Tony I don't know if I'd be able to go back. He's technically dead and I don't want to learn the hard way if I can still use people when they aren't breathing," Alex denied. She wasn't willing to risk it. With the Flash gone, she was the only one to protect the city. "Besides, I'm better off here trying to find a way to get Barry back, you know that - and oh my god! I've been thinking about this all wrong."

Alex's face lit up with excitement as the idea struck her. She pushed past the two standing in front of her to grab her jacket from the chair. Cisco raised an eyebrow and just as he was about to speak had a screwdriver tossed in his direction.

"Iris, you and Joe are going to have to deal with Girder. When you find him, call me and I can put him down. Right now, Cisco and I are gonna get Wells and figure this shit out. We're getting Barry back, today. I've got a plan and-"

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