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Alex made it back to Central City by the next morning. Her phone had died while she was in the cell and she had no idea what was going on back with the team. After Dick had been able to release her from custody, she had helped him out with a case that he was working on. It was the least that she could do.

So, while he was jumping from rooftop to rooftop, she was up there with him. She avoided using her speed, it gained too much attention. It didn't take long to find their bad guy and with her help she had taken him out in seconds. It had been a while since he had seen her in action and he was far more impressed at her skills.

Dick promised that he no longer needed her help - even though he also claimed that he didn't need it in the first place - so she had ran off back to her own city. Her mind had cleared up a lot since her run there that previous morning. Though she still felt an anger within her about her mother, Dick had helped lots with it.

He helped sort out her feelings more than he realized. Alex was in a turmoil mess when coming to Gotham, she was glad that she felt more put together while leaving it. Barry deserved her to be level-headed if they were going to get through this tough time together. Dick was right, if anyone could change the time line it was them.

Alex didn't stop at her apartment before running to the lab. Everyone should be there already to get their daily work done. It had been nearly twenty-four hours since she had talked to anyone and she just hoped that things were going well. It was only a day, how much could have happened?

As she raced through the cortex, she noticed that no one was there. With a shrug, she jogged at normal speed to Cisco's lab. "Where is everyone?" She asked seeing as it was just Cisco in the room. He looked at her with wide eyes, having to do a double take that she was really there.

"Where the actual hell have you been?" Cisco dropped his stuff and ran over to her to pull her into a hug. Alex was confused by his action but hugged him back all the same.

"Funny story, uh, I was in jail."

"You were what!? Sorry it sounded like you just said you were in jail?" Cisco made a face at her. Alex nodded her head and breifly explained what had happened, followed by asking what was wrong at the lab. "Wally was sucked into the Speed Force by Savitar and Barry went in to save them."

"What!" Alex exclaimed. He explained in more detail what was going on. Wally had been having visions of Savitar. Turns out he was using him to be able to free himself from the Speed Force where Future Barry had trapped him. As soon as he was released, Barry had made the call to go and try to save him.

They told her that he was safe, and that this time they had created a tether so that he could be brought back to the real world easily. It didn't make her feel any better about the situation. Alex demanded that Cisco put her in the Speed Force as well so that she could go after them and make sure they were safe.

She had never gone in there, but she knew that if Savitar could be trapped in a world like that then Barry was going to need some sort of help to make sure that he was safe. Cisco tried to argue with her saying that it was too dangerous - which had gathered a crowd of Caitlin, Julian, and Iris.

They had all asked where she went, to which she gave a one worded answer of being placed in jail with no other explanation. Barry had told them that morning that she was gone to see her mother in Gotham - something that none of them had expected to her. Now this had just confused them even more.

Cisco finally caved. He had created the exact same device that he had for Barry and placed it on the emblem of her suit. Alex had to admit that she was a little nervous going in there, but it was something that she knew that she needed to do. For Wally's sake, she hoped that she could find him easily.

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