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Alex and Barry arrived at STAR labs with everyone already there and waiting

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Alex and Barry arrived at STAR labs with everyone already there and waiting. They stood anxiously around, still not believing that the girl they had befriended was awake and moving. The six months had been hard, and they missed the girl, she had brought in a different kind of light that they didn't know they needed.

She brought a new perspective to the team, although it at times it was a dark one - it was a real one. She knew the world as it was: scary, unforgiving, and in no way close to perfect. Alex feared the world, just as everyone else needed to.

Fate had brought her to the team, something that she never believed in. Over time she knew that she was part of the team for a reason, one that she had no control over. However, this force wasn't a high power; it was a speedster. Alex never believed in fate and she never would.

"Alex!" As soon as she walked into the cortex she was tackled into a hoard of hugs. Cisco had been the first to step up to her, followed by Caitlin and Iris. Last was Joe, who she had taken the extra seconds to give him. In a way, she looked up to Joe like she had looked up to her own father many years ago.

"I can't believe you're finally awake," Iris grinned. Although the two were never close - and there were times that Alex had been jealous of her - she was glad that the team had finally been reconnected.

Before any more communication went on between the group, Caitlin immediately ushered Alex to get tests done to make sure that she was actually okay. Especially after what had happened in the city, they were all a little concerned that she wasn't back to her actual self. Caitlin had taken blood tests, scans, everything that Alex could imagine. Thankfully, every test showed that she was perfectly healthy.

Over the six months, her body had healed perfectly - assumable thanks to Barry's speed healing. The real question was, why did it take so long for her to wake up? Caitlin guessed it was psychosomatic, Alex had nearly died, her mind had to have been terrified to be able to wake again. 

After the doctor had declared that she was healthy, they returned back to the cortex where everyone else was. Alex forced her way into Barry's side and reached up to kiss his cheek. Though it didn't feel like the six months had passed for her, she felt the sorrow that he had felt over the time, thereby gaining the same feeling of loneliness.

That was the pro and con of her powers. She was easily caught up on everything that she had missed during her time in the coma, but she had also felt the pain that she caused. Barry had been worried about her for so long and there was nothing that she could do to change that now.

Even though what she had done had saved so many lives, she wished that her fate would have ended differently. Six months of her life were gone and there was nothing that she could do to get them back. Six months that she caused this suffering for her friends because they were worried if she was ever going to wake back up.

They didn't deserve that. After everything that they had done, for her and the city. Her friends didn't deserve to be in any pain or have any worries. It wasn't fair to them, ever. Life continuously targeted them no matter how much good they tried to do.

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