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"What the hell do you think you're doing?"

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"What the hell do you think you're doing?"

After the events of the club that night, Alex had taken Wally back to her home while Barry stayed back to work on the case. Wally thankfully didn't bring up the conversation that they were having the night before the accident and remained silent. First a huge man-shark busted into Joe's home and now the Flash had gone rogue and no one blinked an eye.

He stuck around the apartment for most of the day which meant that Alex had taken time away from STAR Labs to hang out with him. They didn't do much besides watch movies and chat but it was nice to be around him without the stress of a meta lurking over them. Whoever the new speedster was, the team had promised they had a handle on it.

It was later that night that Wells had called her saying that her boyfriend was going to make a big mistake. He told her the truth about the velocity-nine serum and that he wanted to take it. At first, she could understand why he wanted it and to get faster but then he explained what it had done to Jay.

Jay took the V-9 and the consequences behind that had been him losing his speed and he was going to lose is life from it as well. The thought that Barry even considered taking it nearly made her lose whatever calm she had left. Alex shoved her phone into her pocket and told Wally that she would be back.

Barry was, as expected, down in the pipeline ready to train as he told Wells that he was going to do. The doctor thankfully was quick to notice that he had snatched the remaining vial of velocity-nine with him. Alex stormed towards her boyfriend with anger in her eyes and heart full of concern.

"You know what that shit did to Jay and you're still considering taking it?" Alex stood directly in front of him with her arms crossed over his chest. Although she was considerably shorter than him, it didn't mean that she was any less scary. "If you think that you're gonna ruin your life to catch this speedster you obviously didn't fucking think that I would be there to stop you."

"Zoom could have killed you!" Barry burst out. Every choice that he was making was a choice that would be to protect her. He wasn't willing to lose her and if that meant that he had to inject his veins with poison then so be it, he would do it a million times to save her. When it came down to it, Barry cared for her life more than his own.

"That's no excuse to shoot yourself up with that shit," Alex shook her head. "I have been in the drugs, the addiction, and all the shit that came with it. Once you start you don't stop and I don't want to see that happen to you. You can't risk your life to save mine, not like this. It's not death, Bare, it's your family losing faith in you because they know that no matter how much they want to help, nothing will ever get through."

Barry shook his head, "If the game is already rigged, why can't I level the playing field? I mean if everyone else is cheating, how can... I want to be fast enough to stop Zoom and any other speedster that tries to hurt you or anyone else I love. Shouldn't I use everything in my power to do that?"

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