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Alex had brought her idea up with Barry - though he had the exact same one with a single difference

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Alex had brought her idea up with Barry - though he had the exact same one with a single difference. He intended to use the real Linda Park rather than use Alex's powers. It seemed ridiculous to her, there was no need to put her life on the line when she could do it instead.

It had already been too late to change their minds, Iris had already been on her way up the elevator of STAR Labs with Linda by her side. Alex's jaw clenched as Barry had told her to suit up and meet them outside the elevator.

They had already lost one innocent life, they didn't need to lose another that week. She grudgingly switched into her suit and teleported to the entrance, Barry was only a second behind. They stood there as Linda gawked at them, it was the first time that she had seen them up close before.

"Ms. Park, we need your help," Barry announced. They had gone briefly over the plan about what she needed to do and what was going on. She seemed hesitant at first - which was understandable. Alex offered her the option that she could take her place instead.

Alex had shared what her powers really were, and that she could become Linda so that she wouldn't have to risk her life. Though Alex wished she could have not given her the option and just do it either way, she knew that Barry would be mad at her for thinking like that.

Linda had nearly agreed to the idea, but hated the thought that Alex would know every single thing about her if she had. Not that she found herself to be a very private person, but she didn't wish for all of her life's secrets to be known.

Even if she wasn't happy with the thought, Alex had agreed that she wouldn't take her place. They had gathered in the training room where Cisco had created an exercise for Linda to try out the gloves that he created.

Cardboard cut outs of everyone on the team had been created. Joe, Cisco, and Caitlin all had been wearing their normal day to day clothes while Alex and Barry had their suits on. The one of Alex had been with both fists up and a wide stance.

"You know Cisco, if I didn't see half the weird shit I do, I would find this a little creepy that you had this," Alex stood beside her 'doppelganger' and copied the pose. Cisco only followed suit and did the same to his. Joe chuckled and patted her shoulder. He thought they were pretty funny.

Linda was to practice shooting at only Flash and Mirage and not hit anyone else. Her first trial had gone completely opposite as she was supposed to do and the second had resulted in the gloves catching on fire. By the third try, Linda crept through the maze that they had created and fired blasts only at the metahumans.

While she practiced Joe nudged Alex's elbow. "Thought I should mention," Joe started. She leaned her attention towards him but still watched Linda move through the training, it was easy to tell she was nervous. "Patty asked about you."

"Saying what?" Alex had her full attention to Joe at the mention of her name in the same sentence as Patty Spivot. She hadn't talked to Patty before and had only met her as herself once. Obviously it was enough to make an impact on the officer.

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