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Alexandra had found Barry on the rooftop of their apartment building

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Alexandra had found Barry on the rooftop of their apartment building. He had been upset over the fact that they had to let Thawne go. Because they were messing with the timeline, there were ramifications just as Wells had predicted. Cisco had been caught in the crossfire and was subjected to seizures. The only way to save him was to let Thawne go back to his time.

They knew that they couldn't let their friend die but it still pained them and everyone else to let that man leave. However, they had saved Cisco and that was all that matter. Alex hadn't gotten many more answers from the man that stole her mother away, yet she felt more relieved with what she had gotten.

In the future she still cared about Barry enough not reveal his name to the man he hated most. There was still a hope for in the case that she did turn. Alex felt more confident by the day that she wouldn't waver sides but there was still the chance that it would happen.

In the present, she felt the desire to gain other meta humans powers so that she felt more prepared to fight whatever came at them next. The more she thought about it, the more she realized if she ever did fight against Barry, he would have no chance to stop her - no matter the help he got.

Her powers made her unstoppable and the more she took the stronger she got. She only had her powers for two years and already had the power of three metas. How many more would she get fifty years later? It made her realize how much of a threat she really was to society and to those she loved.

To make her matters worse, Iris had confronted Alex about Wally. She was mad at her for getting him into street racing and letting him risk his life like that. Iris showed up to the apartment fuming and she was only glad that Barry wasn't there to witness it. Alex sighed at her arrival, the conversation was going to arise one day.

Iris made it clear that the blonde was forgiven for not letting her and her father know about Wally but it was not acceptable for her to allow him to risk his life racing. Wally was only a boy who was influenced by those around him, Alex had to have known exactly what she was doing when he started.

Alex had told her the real story of how they had met. She never introduced him to drag racing - which was much safer than what she did. The races she usually participated in had been on a slow track since they kept getting busted, she to pay the bills she had decided to do a few drag races. Wally had underestimated her since she was a girl and got his ass kicked. Alex had taken him under her wing that night and showed him the ropes.

Not long after that he became unstoppable. As quick as Iris was to throw blame at her, Alex was the one that kept him safe during his times of racing. She had taught him everything she knew and kept the guys that would hassle him off his back. It wasn't going to be her to tell him to stop doing what he enjoyed especially when she had started a more dangerous kind of racing. Alex never allowed him to even consider taking the race into the streets.

Although she was still mad that Alex's influence carried over Wally, she was nowhere near as angered as she was walking in. Iris asked her to talk to him and try and convince him to stop racing like she had. It was no use, Wally would never listen to her anymore. Iris had decided it was best to leave before she said something she would regret. 

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