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Cisco once again was right in the fact that he hated Alex's plans constantly

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Cisco once again was right in the fact that he hated Alex's plans constantly. He and Caitlin both dressed up as their evil doppelgangers to stop Black Siren while Alex and Barry ran around the city to create a barricade for their frequency impulses. The machine had worked just as planned at they had put away every single meta from Earth two.

All except Zoom. He had managed to escape back to his own Earth but they were sure that he was going to be back. In the mean time, everyone took that night as an absolute win and relax for a couple hours. Alex and Barry sure made use of their time and he had taken her on the proper date that she deserved.

After putting away all of the metas either into Iron Heights or Lian Yu, Barry had told her to dress fancy. She complained a little - heels were never her forte. But, she was excited that they finally got to go out somewhere nice without interruptions. They were both surprised when they made it through the night without a single phone call saying that their powers were needed.

Barry had taken her to a fancy restaurant, though she claimed that they didn't need to spend money like that. He insisted, and the two had bought the most expensive meal either of them had ever eaten. They laughed away all night and couldn't get enough of the peaceful company. Ever since Alex had woken from her coma, she hadn't gotten a quiet night like that.

It was much needed for both of them. They were going crazy at the nonstop work that they put into their daily lives. Alex couldn't imagine having to work an actual job on top of being a superhero. She was glad that she only had to work at STAR Labs. Cisco and Caitlin were glad that she was able to dedicate her time there.

Wells and Jesse were too. The younger girl looked up at Alex in many ways, even against her father's wishes. Harry knew too much about Alex and who she was for her daughter to be her inspiration. He knew what it took for her to become the person she was and he never wanted Jesse to even consider doing anything in Alex's past.

By the end of their dinner, the couple were full of both food and long awaited happiness. Barry paid for the meal and the two walked hand in hand down the street to her car. Even though she was driving, Barry opened the door for her - to which she rolled her eyes too. As they drove back to their apartment, she didn't let go of his hand.

"I know how much you hate wearing heels and a fancy dress, but you looked absolutely stunning tonight," Barry kissed her. They had showered as soon as they got back and hopped into bed. She once again wore only one of his shirts. There was no gap between them as she cuddled into his chest.

"Yeah well, you're the only person who's gonna see me dressed up like that so you better appreciate it," Alex grumbled - though wouldn't admit that she did enjoy dressing like that on the occasion. "I know I've said it before, but I'm going to keep saying it until the day I die: you're the best thing to ever happen to me."

They didn't sleep very much that night.

The next day, Barry dragged Alex to his work and got her to help with all of the meta case files that were piled up on his desk. Though she was pretty sure that it was illegal for her to be helping, she didn't mind being able to spend the whole day with him. Not to mention that the moment he walked back into his lab, he told her about his chat with Joe.

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