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Alex had a nasty habit of disappearing for a few days and not telling anyone

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Alex had a nasty habit of disappearing for a few days and not telling anyone.

She had done it more so before her and Barry had started dating and when Wally didn't know who his father and sister were. Yet, after all of this, she had still managed to forget to tell not only her boyfriend where she was going, but the rest of the team. Alexandra had gotten used to people caring for her, but she wasn't used to them worrying about her.

For years she would disappear off the grid for days or weeks at a time without letting anyone know. Wally was the only person during that time that she actually talked with on a timely basis but even then he never really questioned where she went. He knew that she was often in the midst of some shady business, but knew best not to ask about it.

It was why when he discovered that she was Mirage, an actual superhero, that he had been incredibly shocked. If someone would have asked him five years ago if he could have guessed what she would have been doing, he would have guessed that she would either be in jail or close to it.

It was what made it so easy for her to keep it a secret from him, it was the last thing that he would have expected. She was already known to show up with random injuries or not telling anyone what she was doing, it was no different from when she was Mirage. It had been right in front of him the whole time.

Now, Wally, along with the others of team Flash, questioned where the hell she could have gone to. Alex was gone by the time that Barry woke up that morning and she hadn't answered any of his texts or calls throughout the day. She didn't answer anyone's. Since they had been together, she had never done anything like that.

Not to mention that there was a meta out on the loose that was going after Snart's old team. Barry and the others were worried that he had gotten to her. There was no activity from her using her suit and she obviously wasn't using her phone. They had no idea where she had gone or what had happened to her.

Alex was missing and they had no idea how to find her. She had done this once before, the time that the other shapeshifter was in town and Barry tried so hard to prove that it wasn't her causing all the trouble. He had been proven right but this time it was different. She could be hurt, or worse.

It was why Barry had been panicking. He didn't think much of it in the morning, she often got up early to train, go for a run, or simply just couldn't sleep and wanted to get up and move. By mid-morning, when she wasn't answering any of his texts and no one on the team had seen her, he began to worry.

By that evening, when he discovered that the meta was going after people like Alex, he was terrified. While the team worked on finding him, along with one of his ex-partners, Barry focused on finding her. He ran the city over and over again, used their satellites to try and track her down, but came up with nothing.

By seven o'clock that evening, Alex had strolled back into her apartment like it was nothing. Her brother had texted her the night before asking if she was free the next day and was wondering if she wanted to meet up with him. Of course, she had agreed and drove to Coast City early that morning.

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