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"Oh, we're so pranking him," Alex was in a much better mood than she had been several days ago

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"Oh, we're so pranking him," Alex was in a much better mood than she had been several days ago. During that time they had dedicated all of their time and resources in finding out how to apply the speed equation to her and Barry. They had come up with nothing, out of all the books they had read and the research they had done, there was no reason why they couldn't be running that fast.

Alex had spent all of her time in STAR Labs trying to solve it but she felt ridiculous for not being able to come up with a solution. She had the brains of several masterminds that knew a lot about the world of science yet she couldn't string together an answer. The only time that she had went home was when Barry forced her to.

It was at dinner one night at Joe's did Barry finally think of something that could work. Wally had arrived and talked about how his professor wanted his help on a project. Alex was super excited for him along with all the others at the table. He had explained that when researching for the project, he had read the old journals of famous car makers.

It had sparked an idea into Barry, where he had dragged Alex out of the house with him and back to the lab. They met with Caitlin and Cisco in the cortex for Barry to explain exactly what he had been thinking of. He wanted to go back in time to talk to Eobard Thawne and enlist his help on how he got faster.

Alex thought it was an excellent idea, though she knew the risks. Time travel was dangerous but if he did it correctly, he could be in and out within the day and have all the answers they needed. Harry had told them that it was too risky and too much could change in their own timeline. He was always pessimistic whenever it came to drastic measures.

Harry had been too worried about finding Jesse the past few days rather than helping them solve the speed equation. They couldn't blame the man, he had just gotten his daughter back and she chose to leave once again. Alex tried to assure him that she would be alright, Jesse was a smart girl and knew what she was doing.

Barry had decided that he was willing to risk it and go back in time to talk to Doctor Wells. The day that they had decided on was when Hartley was in town, it seemed the best bet since they were all angry with that Wells at the time. Alex wanted to go with him but it was safer if only one speedster went.

If both of them showed up and started acting weird then Wells would easily tell that they were not from the same time. Not to mention that he and Alex were not getting along that day either, it was too risky for her to go. Barry promised that he would stay safe and that he would see her in less than a minute again in her time.

Whatever Barry had done while he was there had changed the team's relationship with Hartley. They no longer hated the man, but befriended him. That was why he joined them that day to help stop the time wraith that was supposed to return from Barry time travelling. Present Barry had told past Cisco, Caitlin, and Alex to figure out how to stop the time wraith in the year that they had sent him back.

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