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Alex woke up thinking that everything that had happened the night before was a bad dream

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Alex woke up thinking that everything that had happened the night before was a bad dream. As she looked at the suit that was scrambled across the floor she knew that everything that she had done was reality. A man died at her hands last night and she had no idea why or how she had done it.

The thought of even having powers was crazy to her. She had seen all the meta business go on in the city and she never wanted anything to do with it. When she and Cisco made Wally's suit she swore that it would be the first and last time that she had anything to do with meta humans. Now, her life was completely upside down.

This speedster, Barry, had unexpectedly came into her life and told her that everything she grew up believing wasn't her real life. She didn't know what to think of it all besides the fact that seeing him, being near him, it made her feel whole again. She craved that feeling the moment she woke up alone in her bed.

The suit she wore was shoved into her closet, out of side and out of mind. She had no idea how she even had it - the suit was from a different timeline, one that she shouldn't have even known about. She shouldn't know about any of it yet she did, she knew more than she wanted to.

There was a knock at her door, and she felt herself panic a little bit. She had no idea who it was, she wasn't expecting any visits. Reluctantly, she opened the door to reveal Barry Allen standing there with his hands in his pockets. She didn't know how he managed to find her apartment or why he was even there.

"Hi," Barry said. She had no dreams the night before, at least none of him. Only nightmares filled her head. She saw herself killing that man over and over again, but it wasn't just that. It was her as a hero, her spine getting shattered, her dignity being taken, her eyesight loss. All the pain that there was to being a hero filled her night.

Bags covered under her eyes, she looked tired. More so, she looked like the Alexandra that Barry had fallen in love with. She looked like herself from his timeline and it made his heart race even more. Alex allowed him to walk into her home, her brother was gone for the day and she was there by herself.

"I know I kinda showed up here unexpected but there's something that I need to do, and I wanted you to come with me to do it," Barry began. He was pacing back and forth in front of her. "I need to make things right. Me being here, creating my own happiness, it's making all those close to me suffer.

"I need your help to change things back to the way they were. I can't keep living this life knowing that people are getting hurt and I need you, back in my arms, back in my life where I never have to doubt your love for me."

"Okay, Barry Allen," Alex said after a long moment of silence. Had she not had those dreams - those memories - of him, she would have said that he was batshit crazy. But that wasn't the case, and she knew that what he wanted to do was giving up the perfect life for himself so that the others could have their old ones back. "Tell me what I need to do."

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