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"Your Grace! What's the meaning of these?" It was the head council who asked her. "We don't know anything about it? Since when they were out of the palace?" he asked continuously.

Sigmund sneered and put his hands on his back and look at the Queen Dowager with a smug look at his face.

"It was I who send my grandchild outside the palace, I already sent them at the abbey,"

"The abbey?!" the head council said with an outburst. "Your Grace, This is not something that can be done without the council knowledge," he added

"So the Queen Dowager doesn't value the council authority," Sigmund said adding to the fuel.

"Oh I value the council, but I respect my King's decision, I don't act on my own accord. I act on the King's order," Eleanor answered Sigmund with a slight smile on her face.

"But Your Grace it's clear that you bypass the council" Lord Demande suddenly speaks.

Eleanor looks at this young Lord with amazement. "Ahh.... This young man dares to add fuel to the fire," she thought to herself.

"Lord Demande is it?" she asked.

Demande straightens himself and looks at the Queen Dowager trying to look imposing. "Yes," and he nodded at her.

"Who do you think has the upper hand? Is it me or the King of this land?" she asked the young Lord.

"It's the King of course, but Your Grace this order that you're saying none of the council members heard off it and this kind of issue should be discussed by the council first before anything else," Demande answered confidently.

Eleanor didn't say anything or even tried to interrupt the young Lord while he speaks. She listens to all this speech with amazement at the young Lord with his words. She walks towards him stands behind his back and patted the young Lord's shoulder. "Well done young man, all the things that you've said is all true,"

"Then why does Your Grace still did these things without the council knowledge?" It was Sigmund who ask with a laze of malice in his voice.

Eleanor glared at the back of the Duke who sat in his previous sit after his small outburst earlier.

"I think the King Regent and Lord Demande should train and study more before attending this council, let me teach you a little bit of the rules of this council," She said while she sits on her seat and looks at the men in front of her.

"There is one that can overrule the council authorization in this kind of situation, Have you heard of the Sealed Will?" she ask and saw them stiffen in their sit, and she heard the Head council sigh on his seat.

Sigmund turned at the Head council with a questioning look and Eleanor saw it.

"Ahh... so you really don't know. Let me show an example then," All of the members who were quite the whole time straighten their posture and look at the Queen Dowager with a serious look at their faces, thinking if the King really did leave this kind of will.

Eleanor signaled her hand to Bhaer and he took something out from his chest pocket and walks towards the Queen Dowager and handed her the envelope with the Dragon seal on it and handed it to Sigmund.

"Go ahead Regent take a look," she urges him.

Sigmund takes the envelope from her and looks at the woman dubiety but he still opens the envelope and takes out the paper and unfolded it. Everyone looks at that piece of paper expectantly, some of them with doubts like the Regent, some of them with hope that it was indeed a Sealed will.

When the letter was unfolded, Sigmund was shocked by the writings, he stared at it, he cannot believe in what's in front of him. This will is written using blood, the word written this letter is dark red like a dried blood. Sigmund felt a chill in his body. He cannot read the contents of the Will because his attention is on how this letter was written.

"What is this?" is the only words that he uttered while staring at the letter,

"That my dear is a Sealed Will, a Will has written using the blood of a royal, it means that will is written using my son blood OUR Kings blood. Even the Seal that he used is made using his own blood. And that alone can overrule the power of the council." she explained.

The Head Council reach for the letter and look at it for a long time. "This is indeed a Sealed Will." The head council said and pass the letter to the other council member.

"What how can you be so sure?" Sigmund asks not giving up.

"Her Grace was there when this Will is being made," Bhaer interrupted because he didn't like the tone of the Regent.

"That's all?" Sigmund said and look at the advisor with a raised brow.

"Then burned it for you to know what royal blood means," Eleanor said with a mocking smile on her face.

"That I will do" Sigmund answered and reach for the paper when every member of the council are done inspecting the letter. He orders someone to bring a lit candle and burn the paper. He watches as the edge of the paper slowly burn but once the fire reaches the part where the blood is, the fire died. His stunned in what happened in front of him he didn't know what to say about it or how to react. The only thing that he could do is look at the head council with a questioning look on his face.

The head council just nodded at him. "That's the proof Regent. That letter in your hand is indeed a Sealed Will, the council cannot intervene with this matter anymore, the Queen Dowager just acted for the Kings wishes,"

"What's this? How did it happen?" everyone turns their head to the young Lord who has a bewildered expression on his face. Demande didn't mind how the other looks at him. His attention is at the head council, waiting for the person to answer him.

The Head Council sigh "this young Lord needs to learn more about the Royal Family, wonder how he got in the council," he thought to himself before he decided to answer his question.

"The King's blood is different from any ordinary blood, as you witness earlier it can't burn or even get wet. In short, it can be destroyed or erase once a will or decree is written by the King's blood it's absolute because the King's blood is blessed by the heavens, nothing can defy the heavens. Once it was written as a sealed will nothing can overrule this unless the heaven itself revoke it but nothing like that happened," it was Eleanor who speaks those words before the Head council could open his mouth.

Eleanor didn't pay much attention to the young Lord anymore instead she looks at Sigmund and held out her hand towards him asking for the letter. Sigmund handed the letter without saying anything, but Eleanor saw the deathly glare that the Regent gave her. "Ahh his already thinking about my death," She thought but didn't voice anything about it and took back the letter from the Regent.

"I guess we already done here, or do you still have any question with me?"

"Yes, Your Grace we are already done here, Thank you for clearing things for us," The head council said.

Eleanor nodded at the head council, "I will take my leave then, I hope the young ones have learned something from me." She said while running her eyes to Lord Demande and the Regent King. 

The Queen Dowager stands up from her seat and walks towards the door followed by Bhaer and walk out of the room. When the door shuts, Sigmund can't hold up his anger and slammed his hands at the table.

Eleanor heard it from the outside, she just glance at the door and tilted her chin up. She turns around and started to walk back to her own palace with a triumphant smile on her face.

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