CHAPTER 22: White Rose Palace

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Everyone was having fun, the ladies are laughing at each other while the others are eating and chatting.

Syl was talking with the Queen Dowager about random stuff while Ren continued reading beside him. They were all enjoying the party when one of the Queen Dowagers men shouted. "THE KING HAS ARRIVED!!."

Everyone stopped on whatever they were doing especially the King's consorts. They all stood up to greet the King.

The Queen Dowager looked at his arriving sons, she was surprised to see both her sons. This is the first time that they attend this gathering for their consorts and the Queen Dowager but what surprised her the most are the two people beside her, they both still sitting on their chairs, the one is looking at the clamoring girls looking amuse and the other looks like he didn't notice that the King arrived he was to engross on his book that he didn't bother to pay attention to his surroundings.

Archid looks around to find his mother. When he saw her and look around her he saw his consort who is still sitting and just looking at them with that sly smile on his face and when he noticed that he was looking at him he had that audacity to look away from him. You're really trying my patience you stubborn consort of mine. He thought while he walked towards his mother and ignoring the other consorts around him.

"Mother," Archid greeted his mother and kiss her on her cheek. Syl heard the King greeted the Queen Dowager and he saw him kiss her in her cheek. And beside him is the second prince Nick who did the same.

The King looked at him expectantly and he saw him watching them and notices someone beside him who is still reading not bothering with his surroundings.

Syl decided to stand up and nudge Ren. "Yes, brother?" Ren asks him when he felt his nudge. Syl signals him to look at the King's and Prince direction. Ren looked at them and he immediately stood up and bowed his head, he was so embarrassed for not realizing that the King and Prince are with them. He was about to apologize but Syl interrupted them.

"Good Day to you Your Majesty and to you Prince Nicholas," Syl greeted them while he bowed. Ren did the same. They waited for the King to tell them to sit down but it never came instead he ignores them.

Syl raised his brow at the King's behavior. He was about to sit but Ren pulled his sleeves and signals him not too with pleading eyes. Syl sigh and followed Ren and decided to calm himself when they heard Prince Nick speak.

"Why is a servant like him is sitting with you Queen mother?" He asked while eyeing the tense Ren beside the Consort. Syl saw Ren stiffed to the Prince question. His protective instinct towards his little brother kick in and he turns his head towards the prince and glared at him.

"He's not a servant!" he said irritated. Nick looked at his brother's consort, so what the others been telling was true this consort is really bold. He even glared at him this was the consort that he saw at the party.

"Your brother? I never knew that you have one and if his you're brother why is he wearing a servant's clothes?" Archid asked.

"Do you know anything about me your majesty except for my name?" he asked mockingly. Archid glared at him but before he could reprimand the consort someone beat him at it.

"How dare you speak to your majesty like that and you even have the nerve to lie saying that lowly servant is your brother!" Lady Amanda said standing behind the King, she followed the King even though he didn't tell her to do so.

Syl look at her menacingly, "How kind of you to join us Lady Amanda? Cleary you don't know what you're talking about, does anyone taught you not to interfere with someone's conversation, like don't open your mouth when not needed?" he asked ridiculing her.

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