CHAPTER 109 : Abandoned

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"I accidentally saw them talking to that man one night. I woke up because I was thirsty and went out to drink some water. I saw the door slightly open, and I became worried thinking that there was a thief who wants to steal in our house. So I hurriedly went to the door to close it, and  I look outside to check if there is someone outside and that's when I saw my parents talking to that man. I didn't hear most of their conversation. all I heard about is that boys at the age of 14 to 15 years old started missing at the north side of wessmore country,"

"After that, my parents started acting weird. My father will start scolding me when he didn't see me or I left his side at work without him knowing. We will always hurry home, and we didn't talk anymore when we walk home. My mother will talk less, and she is always on edge, and they both look at me worriedly."

"And one night at dinner, My father told us that we are leaving the next day. All of us were shock when we heard it, especially my sister.  She doesn't want to leave the place. She even threw a tantrum and fought with my parents. She wanted me to say something, but what can I say. Our parents are already decided, and she hated me because of that. She even accused me of instigating this move and that it was me who wants to move to a different place because I don't want to leave here."

"In the morning when we woke up, My sister was gone. She ran away. We are all so worried that all the people in the village help to look for her that they."

"Did you find her?" Ren stops speaking and looks at Georgie, who asks the question and smiles.

"Yeah... we did, But you know what happened to her? She almost got abducted by the ruffians and sold in the brothel, lucky one of my father's friends saw her and knew that she is my father's daughter, so they went and saved her. She was brought back to the village. She was so scared at that time that she didn't even speak. My parents were also worried they want to scold her, but seeing her situation, they decided not to and just forget about it and heal her first. The doctor said that my sister suffered a shock and she needs a change of environment to recover. In the end, we still need have to move out for her to forget her traumatic experience. My father decided to go to the capital and find work, so we have money to travel again and find a new place to stay."

"After a week my father came back, but he told us that he needs to go back, but this time my mother and I need to come with him to the capital to work and earn a lot of money. When I heard I immediately agreed, It's been a long time since I traveled with my parents alone and I miss the feeling of being alone with them. So the next day. we left my siblings with the neighbor aunt, and we left the village to go to the capital."

At this time, Ren's eyes become moist when he remembered how happy he was at that time. Thinking about it now, it still hurts. He expects that this experience is nothing to him anymore that it will not hurt him anymore. He felt ridiculous by being affected by these memories. He took a deep breath and decided to continue,

"I remember my mother acting so weird when we are on our way to the capital she won't even talk to my father or even look at him, and sometimes I will catch her looking at me with guilty eyes. When we reach the capital, my father already brought us to the back gate of the palace. Where a servant is already outside" Ren remembers this incident like it just happened yesterday.

Ren looks at the tall wall of the palace with amazement in his eyes. He wishes to see the palace before, but he didn't expect that he will see it with his own eyes. He thought that they will be temporarily working here with his parents. So when his father went down of the wagon he followed him, and he saw his father bowed to the man at the gate and he wave at him to come to him. So Ren runs towards his father, but he didn't expect to hear the word that will hurt him for a lifetime.

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