CHAPTER 36: Luck

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Archid smirk to the Consort's reaction towards him. This is the first time that the Consort shows him another expression other than being angry or sarcastic.

"Even in your surprise state you still forget to respect me." He said. "Is it intentional or are you just used to it." He said and he crouches down to see the face of his disheveled Consort.

Syl was disoriented from the sudden intrusion of the King on his musing. He didn't know if he's still in his own home or he was brought to the main palace without him knowing. He looks around to make sure that he was still inside the Jasmine Villa.

Everything in his surroundings belongs to his home. He sigh in relief when he was sure that he is still in his own home. So why is this King in front of him if he's not in the main palace? Except if the King is in his house. Syl eyes went wide when he realized the reason why he is seeing the King in front of him.

Archid is enjoying the disoriented state of his Consort, his expression is changing from being confused and then to surprise expression. "Do you realize now that I am in side your house Consort Langley?" He asks teasingly

Syl look at the King when he heard him speak. "WAHH..." He shouted again and he jumps from shock when he saw that the King's face was too close to his own. His first instinct was to push the King but to his dismay, the King doesn't even budge instead he grabs his wrist.

Syl glares at the King while Archid sneered at his Consort. They were disturbed in their staring contest when they heard a growl behind Syl. They both look at the place where it's coming and they both saw the white wolf dog bearing his teeth to the King but he still wouldn't let go.

Syl looked at Snow who's still growling at the King when snow realized that the man is not letting go of his master she was about to attack the man. "Snow Don't! Relax girl I'm fine." Syl stops his pet when he saw that she's was about to attack the stubborn King. Snow didn't attack but still growled warningly to the King.

"Could you let go now? You're riling her up." He said feeling irritated with the King. Archid looks at Syl for a while and compiled. Syl stood up immediately and walks towards Snow. He patted her head and coax her to relax. Snow stops growling but still looks wearingly at King.

"You have a wolf-dog too I didn't know that," Archid said as he stood up.

"Yes. He's been with me since I came here. How would His Majesty know about my pet? you didn't even lay your eyes in this Villa since I came here." Syl answered sarcastically.

"Are you saying that Consort Langley waited for me to visit?" Archid rebutted with a smirk.

Syl felt annoyed at what the King was trying to imply. He took a deep breath and turn towards the King. "Yes, Your Majesty I waited for your visit." He admitted. "Because I want to know why your people brought me here and I want the answer to come from you." He answered the King with annoyance. "And now Your Majesty can you tell me, why are you here?" He continued sounding vex.

Archid smiled. "You're back in your usual angry self again." The King teases him. Syl didn't answer him back instead he just looks at him and waited.

"Fine, I'll stop." The King stops and walks towards him and stands in front of him. The King is much taller than him and he needs to look up to see his face. "I came here to ask you. Why do you refuse the things that I gave you yesterday?" the King finally asks.

"Ahh, that. I don't like taking someone's possessions because I don't want people taking my things too. And besides, I didn't work for that, so why should I take that." He explained truthfully.

Archid didn't answer him, he just looks at him. "Then why didn't you take the added allowance that I also gave you? But you still take what my Queen mother gave you."

Syl sigh. "Because it's different the Queen Dowager is my benefactor she said that she is the one who wants me inside the palace that's why she's also giving me an allowance. I'm also supplying her concoction and my own made tea. That's why I think it's fine to take the allowance that she's giving me."

Archid nodded in understanding. Then he had a brilliant idea. "So you're saying that you will only receive money as payment if they buy from you or you worked for them? Am I right?"

Syl was confused by this conversation. He looks at the King and nodded reluctantly.

The King smiles triumphantly to Syl. "Then I want you to work for me. You will be overseeing my son and my nephew's education, I heard that you've been teaching the children that you've taken with you and they seem to be intelligent according to my Queen mother. I think you know that my son the crown prince health is not in good condition, I also want you to provide him a concoction that will strengthen him. Nathan looks after him, work with him and I know you will not have a hard time with Nathan he seems to like you," the King stated.

Syl didn't know what to say. He was stunned to be given access to meet the crown prince this is the answer to his problem.

He was about to answer the King but the King speaks first. "I expect you tomorrow to the main palace I will introduce you to the Crown Prince and my nephew the son of the Prince my brother," the King walk toward the door and went out leaving the dumbfounded Syl.

Syl can believe his luck, He's been racking his brain out since morning on how he could come near the Crown Prince, and now he was given a chance to do so. It didn't matter if he had to play nanny for these Princes as long as he could save the crown prince.

"I still have my luck with me. Thank you previous Syl," he said while touching the earring that he bought in the antique shop that he wore in his left ear ever since the day he woke up at this period.

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