CHAPTER 107 : Meeting his Parents

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Life in the village is like a breath of fresh air for Syl. He lived in the city his entire life. Although their family has a farm, they never stayed there for a long time. Now Syl is enjoying the life of a normal person.

Here in Escondido, they don't have any servants at all. The house they were staying in is not even a mansion, except for the King and the Prince, who have their own room the others need to share it with another person. They have to cook their meal, and even the King is designated for chopping firewood, clean the house. They were living a pretty normal life. He can even see in the eyes of the children that they were also enjoying this kind of life.

Every morning, Syl with his brothers and princes will run around their yard, and sometimes they will run to the river as their exercise, just like today. They were about to reach their small yard when they notice a bullock cart in front of their gate. "Oh, Mr. Apple is here!" Shane exclaimed and ran inside the yard pulling Georgie with him.

"Mr. Apples?" Syl asks the two older boys who stayed with them.

Cain smiled and look up at him, "It's the man who delivered fruits and vegetables for sir Morgan. Shane calls him Mr. Apples because the first time that they met, he gave us fresh apples."

"The apples that they delivered here are really delicious brother, I'm sure you will like it," Fredrick said. Syl looks at Ren, and Ren just shrugs at him, and he nodded. The four of them walk inside talking when suddenly Ren stops walking, and the smile on his face slowly faded from his face.

In the distance, he saw the two little boys talking to a man and woman. The man is wearing a straw hut, but you can see some black hair sticking outside, and with him, a woman wearing a brown dress with a white apron and her hair is tied in a bun. The two look like an old couple, and Ren knew them very well. These are the faces that he will never forget because this couple are his parents who send him to the palace for money.

Syl notices that Ren was not walking with them anymore, and when he looked back, he saw Ren was still standing like a statue not far away from the gate. Syl wonders what's wrong with him just standing there and staring at them. He watches him closely and notices that he was staring at the couple in front of him who are at talking with the children.

"Ren, what's wrong?" he asks, his voice a little loud for Ren to hear him and to snap from his daze.

As if on queue, the couple not far away stop talking and their heads up and saw not far away from them is their eldest son, who was looking at them intently. The sad smile that Greta had earlier when she's talking to the children change to a happy smile, and when he saw Ren, her eyes started to water.

The couple smiles happily towards Ren. The couple waited for the day they will deliver fruits and vegetables for Morgan. They were hoping that they could meet Ren. They were both quite disappointed when they didn't saw him earlier, but now Ren is right in front of them, alive and healthy.

At first, hearing that Ren is with the King's entourage, they were happy, but after thinking about the situation. They were both worried for Ren's safety. Thinking that he is around the King, he may be involved in the King's matters. They both know that being involved with the royals is really not that safe. They already experience that before. And now, knowing the situation of their son, they cannot help but be worried.

Thinking that sending Ren to the palace is not a good decision. They thought the safest place for him is the palace, but now they regretted their decision. They should let Ren stayed with them and keep him safe. But looking at Ren right now his not thin anymore. They could see that he grows some meat on his body. His skin turned white and look so smooth. Unlike before, it was dark and dry, and looking at the clothes that he's wearing, they know that it's a high-quality fabric.

But when they notice the cold look in his eyes, they know that Ren is not happy to see them. Thinking of the last day that they saw each other, it was impossible that their son won't resent them.

They just have to bite the bullet and face the consequences of their decision. Especially looking at the chilled look that they were receiving from their child. Even the smile on their faces slowly faded every time Ren walks towards them.

Ren was awakened by Syl's voices. The look in his eyes becomes colder, thinking that these people choose to abandon him for money. At first, he was surprised seeing them here, he never thought that he would see them again, and then he felt sad thinking that they abandoned him despite his pleas not to sell him to the palace. He desperately hides the sadness deep in his heart and pretends not to care at all. He slowly walks towards his brother.

"Father, Mother, hello," he greeted them and bowed to his parents but stand not too close to them.

When Greta heard her son called them mother and father, he felt happy in her heart, thanking the heavens that he still saw them at his parents. She can't stop herself and approaches Ren and lifted his hands to caress his face and feel his eldest son. But to her surprised, Ren step back to avoid her hand. She awkwardly lowered her hand and smile sadly at her son and hold her tears back.

Julian saw these and also felt sad. He went beside his wife and patted her back, and decided to talk to Ren to step out from this embarrassing situation. "How are you son?"     

"I'm fine," Ren answered glance at his father but didn't look him in the eyes.

"That was nice to hear," Julian answered back, but after that, no talk, and the surrounding become quiet and awkward.

Ren saw that Syl was looking at him, and even the children are watching this scene, and he felt uncomfortable. He did mean to avoid his mother's hand, but he subconsciously reacted, thinking the last time that her hand touches his face. Ren is still not ready to see them. He needs to go away from them now, or else he might do or say something that he will regret later.

"Uhm.. mother, father, I'm sorry, but I need to go inside. I need to help Sir Morgan to cook," he said and immediately strode away and didn't even wait for his parents to answer.

The couple watched as their son walk away from them hurriedly. The tears that Greta that been holding burst out with a cry. Julian is saddened by their situation, but he can't cry right now, and his wife is still crying in front of him.

Shane watches Ren run inside, look at the husband and wife with pity in his eyes, and followed Ren inside with the others.

Syl stared at the husband and wife in front of him, "so this is the good parents that sold their own son to be a servant for money, but looking at them right now, they are not the unfeeling parents that he imagined them to be. He can feel true sadness from them. What really happened for them to end up selling Ren out? he thought to himself.

"Are you Ren's parent?" the couple heard the question and looked at the person in front of them.

"Yes, I'm sorry we let you watch our joke," it was Julian who answered because Greta is still crying at his side.

"Ahh... so you know my brother," Syl said nonchalantly. not minding the confused look in the couple's face looking at him, and Greta even lifted her head from her husband's chest and sniffed, trying to stop her tears.

"By the way, I'm Sylver Van Langley, and I adopted Ren as my brother," Syl introduces himself to the couple and saw the shock in their faces, and Syl is satisfied with their reaction.

The two immediately straightened their bodies and bowed and greeted him. "Greetings to the consort of jasmine, we hope the consort show us mercy for not knowing his highness" When they heard the name of the person in front of them. They know that this consort is close to the King and was favored by him. This figure is not good to provoke.

So they know me. Syl thought to himself, feeling amazed that he just mention his name, and they reacted this way. I wonder what the other say about me.

"Lift your head, don't worry, I'm not that unreasonable, I will leave first. Nice meeting you," he said and turn around and walk inside. Living the dumbfounded couple outside.

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