CHAPTER 111 : Familiar Voice

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BANG... Syl stood up so fast that he didn't notice that he slapped the table so hard that everyone on the table who is eating with a look at him with a perplexed look on their face.

"Brother, are you alright?" Ren is the first to get out from shock and ask Syl when he saw the look on his face. Syl's face looks so pale it looks like he lost a lot of blood for no reason, and his breathing so hard like he wants to take all the air around him, his clutching his hand so tight that it also turns pale.

"Brother," Ren called Syl again his getting worried and nervous because he is not answering him, it's like he doesn't hear him at all. He can't help himself and stand up, he wants to walk over to his brother and touch him, but he was stopped by the cold voice of his brother. "Don't."

Syl can hear Ren's voice. But right now, he can't answer him because he feels like if he tried to speak and open his mouth he will vomit blood. He's trying to calm himself. His heart is beating so fast that he is having a hard time breathing thru his nose.

At that time that heard Nick answer earlier, it's like he was poured by a bucket of eyes, his whole body got and slowly getting hot, and anger started to surge from his heart. He wants to shout, to throw things. He can feel himself trembling right now. He knew that someone touches him right now, that person will only get hurt, that why when he saw Ren coming towards him, he stops him.

"Consort, is there something wrong. Do you feel sick?" Nathan asks worriedly. He knows that there is something wrong with the consort right now. Nathan wants to stand up and check on the consort, but Gerard who is on his side his holding him so tight that he can even get up. He looks at Gerard inquiringly, but he just shakes his head.

"No, I'm fine, I'm leaving," he said, and he didn't stay anymore and walk out of the dining room, "Don't follow me," he said, not turning his back, and they all watch the retreating back of Syl.

"What happened to the consort?" Cain asks, looking a little scared who is standing beside Ren. He never saw Syl like that. The consort will always have a smile on his face, and he always eats happily with them, but now the consort just suddenly acted like that.

Ren looks at Crown Prince beside him and hugs his shoulder and tried to clear his throat, and smiles at the boy and said. "Hmm... maybe brother just ate something bad, and he just embarrasses to say it," Ren lied to the children to lighten up their mood.

"Brother, is it true? Big Brother will not leave us right?" Georgie asks, trying not to cry. Fredrick look at his little brother and smiles "Look at you crying again, don't be sad Big Brother won't leave us, brother Ren was right may he just ate something bad and just joking with us," Fredrick said that, but deep down his also scared that his Big Brother will just leave them behind.

"Come on, enough about that and let's eat again" he said and he rubs his son's head, who was unusually quiet all this time, but you can see through earlier his eyes that he was scared.

"Father, I can't eat anymore," Shane said with a sad voice, and the other children are also sitting at their table not touching their food and look dejected.

Nick look at the children, then he looks at Ren, and Ren nodded back at him, understanding what he meant and said. "If you are all full, let's go up and wash up so you can start your class earlier and finish is earlier too, what do say?"

"Alright." The four children get up from their chairs, and Ren also did the same, but before they could go out of the dining room, they heard noises at the left, like things breaking and a sound of a sword.

Nick and Gerard look at each other, and took their sword, and run outside. While Nathan also took out his own sword and guard the children and Ren, and they run to the back door.

When Syl got out of the dining room. He went to the living room and stayed there for a while. Trying to compose himself a little before going out. He stands in the middle of the living room, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. When he feels that his nerves started to relax, he opens his eyes and decides to go out. When he opens the door, the person that he didn't want to see right now is standing on the other side, looking back at him.

Archid was surprised when the door suddenly opens, and when he saw that it was Syl, he smiles at him affectionately. It's been days since the last time that he saw him. Those days that he was away from his family, he was always thinking about them and thinking about their safety, and he wants to go home immediately.

When Syl saw the smiling face of the King. His vision went white, and memories started playing in his mind. Syl is being humiliated by Amanda in front of this King, and he just coldly looks at him as if he is not human at all. That was the first time that he saw this King. Seeing Ren being dragged down and killed by the palace guards for saving him. Seeing Fredrick and Georgie whipped to death by Amanda's guards. Seeing Syl burying his dead Snow that was played and killed by Amanda, this King wasn't there to stop his most favored consort. He was accused of poisoning the Crown Prince, that was the second time that he saw this King and he stared at him like a dead person. And lastly, Syl dying alone in the cold tower it was the scene that he saw when he came here.

These are the memories of the previous Syl. And every time each memory played in his mind, it's like he's experiencing these memories himself. All the heartache, all the pain that the previous experience he felt all.

After seeing it all the anger suddenly surges in his heart. He felt that there is something wants to come out from his heart. He can feel the resentment coming from his heart, and he heard an angry voice, the same voice as him, "Why him, I can't be reconciled, Let me out,"

"It's you?" he asks, but the voice didn't answer him, and he feels his unwillingness "Fine, do whatever you want," Syl said and close his eyes.

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