CHAPTER 42 : Connivance

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The guards in the dungeon that was all in duty today were having mix feeling right now. They what to get out in this place as fast as they can but at the same time, they want to watch as the King and the Prince inflict the punishment themselves. This thing happens rarely and they want to see it with their own eyes, but the vibes circulating around them makes them want to pee in their own pants.

The King and Prince Nick walk through the dark hallway of the dungeon the only light that they could see are the fires on the torches in each wall that they pass by. Each time their past the guards feel a chill down on their spine. The usual calm and collected eyes of the Prince is gone, all they could see is the sharp eyes that were full of hatred. If looks could kill no one in this dungeon will be alive. The King who is usually void of emotion and expressionless is now expressing a killing intent from his eyes, every step that he takes they can feel the promise of death.

"Take her out," commanded the cold voice of the Prince.

Ms. Whitter is already exhausted from shouting since the guard brought her here. She was sitting in the corner when she heard a familiar voice, it was Prince Nick. She smiles to herself she knows that the King and Prince will save her in this place, beside she had them wrap around her fingers she was much powerful than those filthy consort in the palace. She thought to herself.

She immediately got up from her place. The guard was about to drag her out but she yanks herself away from him. "Take your hands off me I could walk alone," she yelled to the guard and walk proudly outside her cell.

She was all smiles when she went out to meet her saviors but was taken aback when she saw the look on their faces it not welcoming or apologetic at all, not like want she envisions to be. What she saw makes her want to crawl back to her cell. She could not walk any more she felt her legs weakening she was about to fall but the guard beside her caught her and he dragged her in front of the King and the Prince and pushes her on her knees.

The brothers look at their son's abuser full of contempt. They want this done and be over with it, but they know the mere beheading is not enough retribution for both of them, they knew that punishing her with their own hand is a must, gender be damned they don't care.

Prince Nicholas who's been holding himself since he saw the wound on the small back of his son, crouches down to see the face of this woman. He grabs her chin so hard she hisses in pain. "Tell me Ms. Whitter do you know why you're here?" he asks still sounding calm but you can see the fury in his eyes and the governess saw it all and she shivered.

"Yes," she answered sounding afraid. "I just did wants need to be done," she continued stubbornly.

"You think what you did was right?" It was the King who asks her this time. Ms. Whitter looks at the King and nod. "Of course it makes them more suitable for the throne, It makes them learn to behave as I want them to be, Beside you both give me the right to do so, You said I could punish them if needed," she said arrogantly.

Archid and Nick look at each they were thinking the same thing this woman has gone crazy. To think they left their sons in the hands of a demented woman. "You don't even regret it?" the King asked menacingly. "Of course, why would I? Even the Lady Amanda knew about this and didn't stop me."

Archid was shocked about this information, he didn't imagine that Amanda knew about this and didn't even tell him. He knows that she has a terrible personality but he didn't expect her to be this rotten, and she will pay for keeping things from him and making him like a fool and most importantly for letting his son and nephew be abuse.

"Lady Amanda knew?!" came the angry voice of his brother

"Of course she even agreed on my ways, Who would want a weak Crown Prince? So I punished him and you know what, Cain became stronger just like what I want, but that child has a small spot for his little cousin and that's what makes him weak, that's when I decided to punish the little prince in front of him but did you know what he did? he begged, The Crown Prince of Wessmor beg in front of me, he begged me not to hurt his little cousin and promise to take the punishment that meant for the little prince, His been taking it for two years now but that consort came and ruined it all, They started too dependent on him especially Shane so I decided to punish the little prince too so he won't depend on anyone but himself," she tells them like she was just telling a story to a child. "I made him strong you should thank me, and not treat me this way," she added and spat on them.

Archid saw red and he slaps the woman in front of him that almost knock her unconscious, he was breathing hard. "Get me a whip, soak it with poison oak now!" he bellowed. The guard immediately handed him the whip. "Strip her down leave her inner garments, Make her kneel and tied both of her arms," He ordered the guard.

Nicholas just watches at his brother's commands he was anticipating his time to punish this woman and he was going to savor every moment of it and take his pleasure on it.

Archid started whipping the governess without a second thought. He was deaf to all of her pleas. He imagines how his son pleaded with her and that makes him angrier and added more force than he intended. She dared to call his son weak. That child has been fighting ever since he was born and still fighting. He's angry at what happened with his son, but proud at the same time because his son once again proven that he was the right heir to the throne. He just hopes that it is not too late to show him how proud he is with him.

The whipping lasted until fifty strikes and the King stops. He looks at his brother and threw the whip at him. "Finish the other half and after that do whatever you what with her and when you're than give her to anyone who wants to have a taste of her, Tell them to bring her to the Krus main street and beheaded her, Her crime insulting the Crown Prince and the heir of the Black Turtle," he told his brother and left the dungeon.

The dark sky is starting to get blue the sun is about to rise when Archid came out of the dungeon. He was staring at the sky when he remembers what Syl told him last night. Family is important, everyone can turn their backs on you but family will always behind you. His stubborn consort is right he should put his family first than anything else. He thought to himself while looking at the rising sun.

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