CHAPTER 108 : Ren's Past

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Ren ran inside the house as if someone is chasing him. While Nick is walking towards the door to go out. And he saw Ren coming from the outside. He is about to greet him, but the other pass by not even looking at him, as if not noticing him. He saw that his eyes were red as if he is crying. Then he saw his son and Georgie running after Ren. He watches us the people just run past him. His brows raise thinking, What happend?

He decides to follow them to ask what happened but stops by the voice behind him. "Don't you want to know what happened?"

Nick turns around and saw Syl walking towards him, and followed by Cain and Fredrick. Syl looks at him and sneer. He stared at the consort and sigh. He knew that even if he followed Ren and ask the other may not say anything. So it's better to ask this overprotective brother. "It depends if the consort wants to tell me."

Syl looks at the Prince, weighing if he should tell the wolf what happened. This person looked sincere, but he still cannot trust him fully. But to prevent this person to be close to his brother. He decided to tell what happened outside. Syl looks at his little tails and smiled, "Go follow your brothers," The two little adults nodded and runs towards the kitchen where Ren and the others headed.

Sly walks towards the Prince and sighs, "Ren saw his parents just now, so he was kinda upset right now," he said with a low voice so that others won't hear them.

"His parents are here?" Nick asked with furrowed brows. "Then why is he upset if he saw his parents. Shouldn't he be happy to see them?" he asks

"I see, do you don't know," Syl said mockingly, but he didn't give Nick a chance to speak and cut him off. "Ren reacted like that because his parents sold him to the palace to be a servant," Syl said, and he didn't wait for the prince to speak and walk towards the kitchen. Nick looks at the disappearing back of the consort and sighs again, and his face change from a depressed look to serious thinking of something that he didn't tell his brother about the mark on Ren's back.

Who are those people posing as Ren's parents? They're here at this place. It only means that they are loyal to the crown. Nick thinks to himself, but his eyes went wide, realizing that the only way that a person can come here is if a royal family member opened the secret way to this place. There is only one person that can open the passage except for his brother and him. Mother! Thus she knows who is Ren's parents? or thus she knows who is Ren." Nick closed his hand into a fist, thinking of these possibilities.

Meanwhile, in the Kitchen, the four children who followed Ren are now sitting at the chair watching him, while he chops the ingredients that he needs for cooking later.

Ren knew that there are four pairs of eyes following his every move. He also knew that these little children what to ask what happened earlier and what to comfort him but restraining themselves so that he won't be upset anymore. Knowing that they worried about him is enough to comfort him.

Ren turns around, and with a smile on his face to lightens the mood of the little young ones. "Are you sure you what to that?".Ren is about to speak but was cut off by Syl. He saw Syl standing and leaning at the door with his arms around his chest with a serious look on his face.

"Brother," Ren said softly, and he sigh.

"Are you ready to talk? If not, then let just live it like that," Ren heard what Syl said and look at the people around him. They were also looking at him, waiting for him to make a decision. While he's lost in his own mind he suddenly felt a soft clingy to his thigh. When he looked down, he saw the small face of the little.

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