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Archid decided to take a bath after he was done with his business at the dungeon. He needs to remove the stench of blood in his body, he needs to relax and to release all the tension on his body before going back where his consort is.

While he's having his bath the only thing that in his mind is the consort, he can forget the looked on his face. That person is the strongest person that he ever met, anyone who ever face in that situation would probably begging and crying with his captor but what he saw is far more than he expected.

His face is all calmed and collected. He saw through his eyes the determination to get out in that situation alive. He thought at first that his consort lost all his hope in that situation, he thought that he lost his vigor to fight but as usual his consort proven him wrong. He's fighting in his own way with the cause of his own life.

When he told him what he had done to himself he didn't know if he's going to scold him or to praise him but all of that was forgotten when the consort lost his consciousness on his back. He can't describe the feeling that he felt that time. His heart is beating so fast, his body becomes hot because of worry, it was the same feeling that he felt when he learned about his abduction and it was followed by a rage that could kill anyone that will stand on his path. Now that he had time to think about what happened he is now confused on why he felt that way and just thinking about the possibility of losing his stubborn consort it will cause havoc within him.

After thinking that anytime that he might lose Syl he immediately got up from the tub and dried himself and within a minute he is already walking in the hallway towards his own room to check if the certain person is still in his room.

When he opened the door the first thing that he saw is the lump on his bed, he immediately relaxes and went near his bed to see the consort. He stares at the sleeping face of the consort and caresses his cheek with his fingers.

"How can you do this to me? Just thinking of you getting hurt will stir anger within me and will cause me to lose my composure. Why do I need to see you whenever felt restless? Why do I feel that I need your presence beside me everyday? I've been wanting to cage you inside my own palace but I know you will just fight me with all your might if I do that and honestly I'm not ready to let go of the silent peace that we have these days and decided to gain your trust little by little, but after what happened to you today I made up my mind whether you will like it or not I will bind you with me for the rest of your life," Archid said while he's staring at the sleeping face of his consort that is illuminated by the moonlight.

The King stayed in his room just watching the consort sleep until sunrise. "Your Majesty everything is ready for your departure," he heard Bhaer who is standing by the door. He leans over to Syl and kiss his forehead and then he stared at his lips and gave it a very light kiss. When he detached his lips from the consort he heard a light snore from him. Archid smile when heard it.

"Sleep tight my consort and wait for my return and from there you won't be my consort anymore," Archid murmured to the sleeping Syl who just snores again. Archid got up from his place and left the room to begin his travel to Tupah Village.

Outside the palace, the King's trusted man is there waiting for him to begin their journey to Tupah Village. The Crown Prince and Prince Shane are there together with Syl's brothers. He ordered Bhaer to send someone to get the Princes from the Jasmine Villa so he could say goodbye to his son and also for Nick to see his own son before they leave. He also ordered him to get the brothers of the consort if ever Syl wakes up he won't be alone his brothers and probably the Princes will be by his side, he knew that the consort will be happy if he sees them when he wakes up.

"Father!" the crown prince shouted when he saw his father exits the front door of the palace and he ran to him. Archid saw his approaching son and stop and meet him. The Crown Prince bowed to his father. Archid crouch down to meet his son's height and to look straight in his eyes.

"I'm going to Tupah Village to fix things there. I'll be gone for a couple of weeks or maybe months. The Queen Dowager will be here to look after the palace and I want you to come with her and learn from her. Look after your little cousin for your uncle, I know you will do it even if I didn't say it. Lastly always listen to consort Syl and I also want you to look after him and if ever there's something happen, tell the Queen Dowager or you send a message to me," he told his son while looking at his eyes.

"Yes father," the Crown Prince answered full of resolve to fulfill the task that his father gave him. The King put his hand at his son's shoulder and squeeze it lightly a sign that he acknowledges his son's answer, for the child to feel that he trust him with this task.

He stood up and walk towards his mother and hug her. "Be safe on your trip my son," his mother said when she let go of him. "Yes, Queen Mother I will. I'll leave the palace with you while I'm gone. I will always trust your decision mother, send a message if problem arises in the palace," the King told his mother and he kisses her again before walking away and walk towards his horse.

"Your Majesty," Gerard greeted when the King is in front of him. Though he's not coming with them to Tupah Village, the King gave him the order to arrange the men that will be coming with him to the village. Gerard's group of soldiers are the trusted soldier of the King.

"I trust that you already prepare everything for this trip?" the King asked Gerard.

"Yes Your Majesty I can assure you that you will have a safe journey with them," He answered him. "Hmm.." the King said and nods at him and he looked at him straight in the eyes. "Look after my family. Don't let my consort out of your sight, always send someone to guard him wherever he will be,"

"Yes, Your Majesty," Gerard answer again while he bowed to the King. The King just nods at him and hoisted himself up a top of his horse.

Archid look around to see if his soldiers are ready to start their journey. He saw the Prince with his man where are all riding their horses and ready to start their journey they're just waiting for his signal. He looks at the front of their parade and meets the eyes of Patrick who is the second in command of Gerard. He nods at him and he instructed his horse to walk at the center of his parade. Prince Nicholas is at his right side while Nathan at his left, Patrick is at the front as their front guard together with two other soldiers.

The horses started to move but before the King went out the palace gate he stops and looks up at his window thinking about a certain person who is still lying on his bed asleep and oblivious of his departure.

Nathan saw this and knew why the King looked back at his window. His eyes met the King's deep blue one's and he bowed at him and they both started their journey. Nathan wanted to ask something with the King but he didn't know how and he felt that this is not the right time.

He is still bothered on why Gerard was left behind in the palace, the King never leave his second man behind, this is the first time that it happened. It's Gerard who is always with the King and he is the one who will be left in the palace to look after the Queen Dowager though his not a man of war like his friends the King knew that Nathan is as good as them, he just decided to be a healer. What happened with those two?. Nathan thought to himself while they're getting far away from the palace.

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