CHAPTER 24: Surprise Encounter

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Syl is always outside the palace since he was permitted by the Queen Dowager. He first explored the market place on his first day with Ren. He enjoyed seeing things that are instinct at his time or considered antique, he wanted to buy one but he stopped himself, he needs to save money so he controlled himself.

The first thing that he did was to buy clothes for Ren. He is not a servant anymore he needs to have clothes that will fit his status. They went to the Smith Seamstress to order 1 set clothes for each of them and Ren wanted to buy a few fabrics. The old Seamstress is quite scary she didn't even smile at them while she gets their measurement and when she was done with them they decided to look around to choose some fabrics that Ren wants.

While they're busy looking around Syl heard a hard cough and when he turned around he saw a boy whose pale and thin his small hand thumping on his chest and the seamstress hurriedly went to the boy.

"Sammy what's wrong? Why did you go out?" the seamstress ask the child worriedly. The boy cough again before answering the seamstress, Syl notices that the child is having a hard time to answer. "Grandma, I can't breathe" after the child spoke his knees become weak and he fell down. The seamstress is so scared she didn't know what to do.

Syl hurriedly went to their side and look at the child, fortunately, the child didn't faint, he fell down because he can't breathe, He immediately assess the situation the child keeps coughing, he has difficulty breathing, he heard loud wheezing when he breathes and he is pale and sweating too much. He's having an asthma attack, he thought and he immediately grabs the child from his grandmother. He looks at Ren who is now beside him, "Ren get me a paper bag now hurry!" he ordered him.

Ren looks around and saw a man standing there watching with a brown paper bag in his hand he immediately grabs it and took out its contents luckily it was just threads that the man just bought before the incident happened and he gave in to his brother.

Syl took the paper bag from Ren then he brought it in front of the child's mouth, "Listen I need you to breathe into it, I need you to relax alright," he instructed the child. The boy listens and follows what he said. He was speaking to the child to calm him down and gradually the child's breathing becomes normal. "Nice, good boy," he praises the child and pats his head.

The grandmother is so relieved when she saw the color on his grandson's face came back. She takes Syl hands and thanked him while shaking his hand. "It's nothing mam, Don't think about it too much but I still advise you to bring him to a healer so they could tell you want to do, But for the meantime you could use this to loosen up his airway for now by rubbing it on his back and chest," he handed her a ointment made of healing algae and "let him drink this tea to relax and strengthen his body," he said to the old lady. She took the things that Syl handed to her and smiled at him.

"Thank you I promise I'll do what you said, by the way, call me Grandma Smith from now on," she said to him and Syl nodded at her, "It better for him to take a rest first, he told Grandma Smith and she nodded at him, she excused herself and brought her Grandson upstairs to rest.

Syl and Ren were about to leave when a man stops them. "Uhm... I saw what you have done to child earlier are you a healer?" A middle age man stands in front of them and asked.

Syl stared at the man before answering. "No sir, I'm not," he answered him. "Oh, is that so," the man said dejectedly. "You see my mother in law has been complaining about her headache and sometimes her vision become hazy and she felt dizzy, the man continued. Syl felt sorry for the man, he looks at Ren and he just nodded to him and Syl sigh.

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