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Archid reached the place where the ruffian Ismael brought Syl. He left the boy with his horse and he went alone to that place. He first surveyed the surroundings, he saw ten men all in all and they all look like ruffians. They are not too many, I can take them all by myself Archid thought.

He got up from his place and unsheathed the sword that Morgan gave him and walk towards the place. This sword is still as good as new he thought to himself. He then briskly walks to the path that leads to the house that holds his consort.

The men who guard the front of the house were all surprised to see a man with a sword in hand approaching their place with a fast phase, they all sneered at the approaching man. "How dare this man attack alone, don't he knew who we are?" one of the ruffians said. But those sneers where erase when three of their men fell down in an instant.

The other men were left dumbfounded at first but when they saw that the man is again approaching them they all draw their sword at the same time and nodded to each other, there's only one thing on their mind attack this person at the same time.

The boy watched from afar. He saw how this man fights those bandits with ease. At first, he thought that this man lost his mind when he saw him charged after looking at the place for a while. Then he saw what he did to those three men who charge at him first, they were all down with just one fast swift and now his fighting seven people with ease.

Archid pulled his sword at the person that he stabs when he felt someone at his back, he immediately dodges the attack by kneeling and struck his sword to his side aiming the chest of his attacker and that's the last of the guard outside. He got up and walk straight inside the house

What he saw inside makes his blood boil. Syl's feet are tied at both ends of the bed. His hands are also tied at the top of his head, he was lying motionless, a man is atop off his consort, his hands all over his body and was about to kiss him. He swiftly approaches the man without creating any sound and he thrust his sword at his back making sure not to hit any vital organs, he needs this man alive.

He watched as the man falls to the ground and when he looks back at the consort, their eyes met and he saw the surprised look on his face. He immediately approaches the consort to check on him but he shouted at him. "DON'T TOUCH ME!"  he looks at the consort with concern, thus his consort got traumatized by the incident that he didn't want to be touch.

"It's me, Syl, you can relax now, your safe," he said with soft voice trying to convince the consort to calm down.

Syl saw the worried look of the King towards him. He can't believe that this conceited King will be worried for him. He closed his eyes to calm his pounding heart. "I know it's you, just don't touch me right now and please untie me first," he said with his tired voice while his eyes are closed.

Archid immediately compiled. He cut the ropes that bind him from the bed. "Why can't I touch you right now?" he asked after freeing Syl. He can't still let go of the fact that he can't touch his consort.

Syl sighed before answering the King. "Because I don't want you to get poison as well, I got poison all over my body so you can't touch me until the antidote effects and the poison wears off," he explained.

"What? Did they poison you?" Archid asked worriedly with a hint of anger in his voice. He saw Syl shakes his head. "No, they don't. It was me, I did it to myself," Syl answered him.

"Why?" Archid asks confuse with what Syl did to himself. "It either that or I get rape, He left me with no choice," he heard Syl answered him with a weak voice.

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