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After picking the fruits that he can easily reach they decided to look for a place where they can hide and rest for a while. They found a place with large bushes of wide plans, this will be a perfect place to hide and these bushes can hide them perfectly. The two boys decided to sit and started eating the wild berries that they pick. Though this will not make them full at least they have something to quench their hunger. The two boys ate their berries with satisfaction.

After eating they felt that the tiredness is starting to eat their consciousness and they doze off. Archid pulled Syl beside him and tack him inside his embrace like protecting a treasure in his arms.

Archid didn't dare to sleep deeply, although his eyes are closed his senses are awake, he could feel every rustling sound around them and he knew that someone is beside the bushes that they were hiding.

Archid was scared and worried that those men will find them, he instinctively tightens his hold around Syl that the boy felt a slight pain that awakened him. Archid felt that the boy beside him move and he looked at him and saw that his eyes are already open. Syl was about to say something when he hurriedly covers his mouth. The younger boy has a slight frown on his face and tired taking off his hand when they heard voices around them.

"When I find those pests I will strangle them with my both hands," said by an angry voice of the man who is pursuing them.

Archid saw Syl eyes widen when they heard those voices. He felt him tremble and he stopped taking his hand off his mouth and his hand suddenly clutches to Archid clothes, Syl is so scared that those men will find them. "Shhh..." Archid gestures him not to make any noise and Syl nodded at him.

Those men stayed in their place for a while, Archid and Syl heart is beating so fast when they heard a loud rustling from the other side. The two men also heard it and hurriedly went to that area thinking that those are the children that run away from them.

Archid heard their footsteps were getting away from their side. He let go of Syl and bravely looks at the place where the two men were standing earlier. When he didn't see anyone he got up and pulled Syl with him and they both hurriedly run on the other side.

They were running so fast that they didn't notice where they are. They stop from a while to catch their breaths when Archid heard something that caught his attention "Do you hear that?" he asked the boy with him and the boy nodded with him with a smile.

"It sounds like running water, come on let's go there," he said and he grabs the other one's wrist and pulled him towards the place where he had heard the sound.

Archid is right, it is a stream of running water. The two boys look at each other smiled and they both run towards it and when they reach the stream they immediately started drinking from it. They were both thirsty because of the running that they just did earlier and from last night.

The two begins to clean their faces when Archid saw a soaring bird up in the sky and he smiled and felt relax. He looks at the boy beside him and held his hand and Syl looks at him, "We're safe" he told him and smiled.

"Not for long," he heard a rough voice behind them, Archid knew who it is, without looking back he tightens his hold with Syl's and they both got up at the same time and they started to run.  Unfortunately, their strides are smaller than those two large men. Syl was easily seized from his hold when he felt that he's not holding the boy anymore, he stops running and tried reaching for Syl but he is stop by the other man. He caught him by his shoulder he was struggling from the man's hold trying to reach Syl desperately. He saw the man lifted Syl by his collar, he heard Syl crying and calling his name.

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