CHAPTER 8: Waking up and Trouble

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Syl is sitting cross leg while leaning his left shoulder in his left knee and his left hand supporting his chin in huge rock that he found in the backyard while playing a straw of grass in his mouth. He was pondering about the things he needs to do in this time and were to begin. Now he was sure that Syl is indeed the unfavored consort in this kingdom.

It's started during breakfast he noticed that they don't have much in their table just some side dishes, soup, eggs and bowl of rice for each of them. He knew that this kind of breakfast is not the usual food that the royals should have, his breakfast on his time was much better than this.

He is a historian in his time and he even studied how they dinned and even the lower rank consort has more than this, that is why he was certain that the previous is indeed the unfavored consort. He would like to ask Ren about their living situation but he doesn't want to ruin the others appetite so he decided just to ask later.

After he was done eating he decided to roam around the villa. The house is so huge and it's made of pure stones. The walls are all nicely paint with different kind of paintings hanging on the wall even in the hallway.

The second floor has ten large room including the master bedroom, that is connected to his room and he's sure that the king is the one who will be using that room if he decided to stay in his place. If that will ever happen.

Each room is decorated with different ornaments and the furniture are all well made with beautiful jasmine flower carvings even the bed pose and the headboard has its own carvings. He also found different valuable things and he even saw a vase that he once saw in the museum.

He also noticed a stair that leads to the attic and it piques his interest that he made a mental note to visit it later or tomorrow when he's done looking around the villa.

He went down to the first floor where the living room is located. There he saw a beautiful white grand piano that has never been touch. He is tempted to play but decided not to because he still got other things to do.

He also found a receiving room where the visitors will wait when they visit him. and a small library full of books that he wants to read. He then came to the sitting room where the garden can be seen and a small room that looks like an office and the large dining room.

He also went to the kitchen it is also big and full of different kind of utensil that he didn't know. It also has a servants quarters according to Ren and that he's staying in one of them. He frowned at that and made another mental note to tell Ren to transfer in one of the room upstairs. This house are full of different valuable things all the way up even the bathroom had vases that causes millions.

He went out of the house and went to the front gate of the villa and there he saw the nameplate and the name of the villa were all written in bold letters JASMINE VILLA. The name fitted this place because this villa is simple but it has a pure feeling on it.

This place has a small garden with some wildflowers on the side and a small pond on the right side. Then he went to the backyard. There was a big difference between here and the front yard.

The front yard was quite clean and trimmed while here there are too many tall grass and weeds, for a while he thought that maybe he wondered too far and came outside the forest but when he saw the same wall in the front yard that surrounds the villa he was certain that this is still a part of the villa.

He walks through the tall grass that almost reach his waist and that's when he notice this huge rock in the farthest right corner that's where he decided to sit. He was staring at the tall grass and weeds around him when he remembered something about this is written in Syl's diary.

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