CHAPTER 38: Different Side of Him

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The King is on his way to the Jasmine Villa to confront the Consort himself because he took his son and nephew without his consent. Archid was in his office when a crying governess came to him telling that the Consort of Jasmine took the princes though she told him not to. She said that he even hurt her and showed her bruised wrist to him.

Archid felt angry after hearing what the governess told him. He immediately stood up and called for Mr. Bhaer to prepare his ride. He's going to the Jasmine Villa to get his son and nephew.

He thought that everything was doing well inside the prince's residence. It's been a week since Syl started to oversee their studies and didn't receive any complaints, and now this. "Can this Consort give me a break his been stirring trouble ever since we met?" he murmured.

Syl is at the back porch watching the kids in their garden trimming the weeds while they talk and laugh with each other. He thought that it will be a problem when these children meet. But surprisingly, they immediately warm up with each other in the little time that they were together. His two little brothers are very generous in teaching the princes about gardening, they will always answer their questions enthusiastically, and the princes will listen to them intently. He was relieved to see that the children are enjoying themselves.

Ren was done preparing their snacks when he heard a knock on their door. He immediately went to the door, and open it. He was stunned and afraid to see a scowling King together with his chief aide. He immediately bowed, "Your Majesty, how can I help you?" he asked. His voice is quite trembling.,

The King didn't answer him instead, Mr. Bhaer is the one who speaks. "We've been notified that the Crown prince and the little Prince are here in the Jasmine Villa. And His Majesty is here to get them, and the King wants to talk to the Consort of this house," Mr. Bhaer explained. Ren nodded and invited them in asked them to follow him.

On their way to the back porch. Archid could hear laughter coming from there, and what he saw surprises him. The laugh that he just heard earlier is made by the Crown Prince, his son. He never heard him laugh like this before. This is the first time that he heard and saw him laugh, and he felt overwhelmed. The anger that he felt earlier started to dissolve.

Syl decided to join the children not too long ago to teach them the name of the plants around them when his attention was caught by Ren who was standing in front of him who looks that he was about to pee his own pants.

"Brother the King is here.," Ren said nervously.

When the princes heard it, they stood up, and they stiffen, Syl saw their action. And that's why before he stands up, he faces the children first and calm them down. "Hey relax, I'll talk to the King. You two will be alright, I promise," he said with a reassuring smile and stood up.

"Hey you four! I want you to memorize the plants that I taught you earlier. When I come back, I'm going to ask you what are names of those plants." He said before living. "Watch over them," he asked Ren and patted his shoulder. Ren didn't say anything, he just nodded.

The King is glaring at him while he approaches him. He knows that he's angry with him, but he didn't cower away from him. "Do you have a place we could talk privately?" the King asks him.

He felt afraid when he was standing face to face with the King and didn't dare to stir him up. He immediately nods. "Follow me, Your Majesty, and he walks past him."

Archid followed Syl, and they entered a room that looks like an office. He didn't say anything when he was inside. He waited for Syl to say something. He was just looking at the consorts back. He notices the way the consort acted earlier, and he looks guilty.

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