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Morgan looks at the child in front of him. It's been three days since the princes and the consorts brothers came to him with a letter from the Queen Dowager. He knew that this moment will come,  ever since he heard what happened with the King. He knew that he will be involve again with palace matter,  although he doesn't want to, but he promised a good friend that he will look after them even he's outside the palace gates.

He remembered when this child showed up in his doors days ago. The sun is not up yet when he heard a knock on his door and when he opened it he was confused to see Hans outside his door. "Sir, the Queen Dowager sent us here," Hans whispered to him and after saying that word the man walk to his side and he saw four little shivering boys behind Hans. He immediately ushered the people outside his door to come inside his house. When they were all inside he prepared them foods and drinks and let them sit by the fireplace.

He decided not to ask them the reason why the royal princes and the two brothers of the stubborn consort are outside the palace with their caretakers and pets. He decided to ley them to take a rest first and talk about this matter when they are all fresh and rested but before Hans takes his rest he handed the letter to him.

When Morgan saw the letter he immediately recognizes the seal that is attached to the letter. It is the crest of the Queen Dowager the Tiger of the North. He took the letter from Hans and once he left him he quickly open the letter and read it.


            I hope this letter will come with you with my treasures. I hope they came safely in your hands and I trust that you will keep them safe until the Falcon arrives.

            I'm writing to you to ask a favor  from you, Our Crown Prince is still a child. His knowledge is not enough to understand that he is the real heir to the throne and that no one can take it from him. That is why I'm asking you to take the liberty of explaining to him about the history of the throne he needs to understand it now.

            I would like it to be the one to tell them this but the circumstances won't let me. Their safety is much important.

            There is a threat to the throne now that my son is gone and the other is missing so I hope that you will do everything in your power to keep them safe until help comes in you. Our family will be needing your service for one last time and I, as a friend, I humbly ask for your help. May the heavens bless you, my friend.

                                                                        Eleanor St. John

"I thought my life will be in peace once I leave the palace, but I guess I'm wrong as long as there is a threat concerning the life of the Royal family I just can't turn my back on them. I need to fulfill my promise," Morgan remembered himself saying those words the morning he read the letter that is now in his hands while he looks at the child who's is a copy of his former student. He's like looking at the young Archid.

Cain stares back at the man in front of him while he stares at him for a long time not uttering any words thus he decided to speak first. "My grandma, the Queen Dowager told me to show you this," Cain said while showing his father's crest to the man. The crest was given to him by his father when he left to go to Tupah village, his father told him to keep it safe and never let go of this crest no matter what and that what he exactly did.

"I see, so you even have in you now," Morgan said while he looks at the crest. This crest should still be in hands of the King, it's too early for this child to have this East crest on his hand. He can help thinking that maybe Archid knew that this may happen and his child must secure his legacy.

Waking Up in 18th Century [BXB]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें