A Different Time (Alternate Universe)

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This is a short snippet of what if Donovan had said no to protecting Link. This means Carter and Donovan never met. Hope you enjoy!


"Welcome to the Secret Service," Agent Reynolds said, stretching out a hand to Donovan.

As the Agent stood, Donovan followed suit and accepted the hard-jawed man's hand.

"Thank you, sir," he said. 

Though the office that Donovan was standing in was simple and barely gave away the importance of the work done in it, he was still starkly aware of where he was. For the office wasn't just in any building but the White House. The man before him had walked alongside two Presidents and was working to defend a third. The hand that clasped Donovan's was built from calluses, muscle, and determination.

"Come on," Reynolds said, "I'll find someone to give you a tour of the place."

Donovan buttoned his suit jacket and trailed after Reynolds. Outside a secretary sat busy at her desk, her attention bouncing between diverting calls and typing. Before Reynolds could snag her attention, the main door to the offices opened a man in his late thirties walked in. At the sight of the newcomer, Reynolds waved a hand, beckoning him over.

"Steve, a moment," he said.

Steve strode forward. He had short brown hair, piercing blue eyes and a walk that said he always knew where he was going. Reynolds gestured to Donovan and back to Steve.

"Agent Owens, this is our latest recruit, Donovan Keller," Reynolds said. "Steve here is on the President's detail. He has been in the service for four years. Entered the White House when President Douglas did."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, sir," Donovan said, extending a hand.

Though he was Steve's height, Steve had a good twenty pounds of muscle on him. Steve's handshake was firm and spoke of an unflinching authority. Donovan tried to imagine what this man saw when he looked at Donovan. Though twenty, he was well aware that he had a face that looked a lot younger. Despite his muscular build, his face was one feature that had yet to become defined, only age would do that.

"Likewise," Steve said. His voice was deep and calm like a deceptive ocean before a storm.

"Steve," Reynolds said. "I would like you to give a tour to Keller."

"Of course, sir," Steve said.

Without further comment, Steve turned and headed back towards the door, knowing Donovan would follow. The pair walked through a maze of tunnels that lay beneath the White House. At each diverging section, Steve would explain what sections were what and which areas were off limits. Before they headed above to the ground floor of the White House, Steve paused within the doorway to a training room. The large space was crowded with floor mats, dummy mannequins and work out equipment.

"This is one of the main areas we train on our off hours," Steve said. "There are larger facilities at our downtown offices as well as training grounds out of the city."

Donovan nodded to what he was saying but found he could only take in half of it. Besides men working out and a couple sparring, on the center mat, there was something he never expected to see.

A girl that looked about sixteen was taking on a fully grown man. Pieces of her brown hair had fallen loose from its ponytail and hung in front of her face, but she didn't seem to notice, all her attention was focused on her opponent.

She moved with panther-like grace, darting in, landing blows while twisting away from counterattacks. With her speed and ferocity, the paired seemed matched. The fight ended when the girl spun around and flipped the man over her back. He landed with a loud thud on the ground and a couple watching men clapped. The girl smiled. It was confident, carefree and devilish all at the same time. Donovan felt like he couldn't stop staring.

"Who is that?" he asked, unable to tear his gaze away from the girl who now offered a hand to her opponent.

"That's Carter. My daughter," Steve said, his voice a warning growl.

Donovan's attention snapped away and he straightened.

"I didn't expect to see someone so young here, sir," he said, trying to sound as unthreatening as he could.

As if knowing she was being talked about, the girl glanced over. When she spotted her father, she jogged over. Sweat slid down her tan face and her eyes were the same piercing blue of her father's. Able to fully take her in, he was struck by how attractive she was. Even with her hair a mess and face red from exertion, she was beautiful.

"Hey Captain," she said. She rested her hands on her hips and nodded towards Donovan. "Who's the kid?"

Donovan bristled at the comment and it seemed to be exactly what the girl had been hoping for. The edge of her mouth curled upward and a taunting gleam entered her eyes. The look was mocking and somehow Donovan found himself hoping to see it more.

"Donovan Keller," he said, offering her a hand.

She took it and he wasn't surprised to find it held the same strength and firmness of her father's.

"Donovan just joined the Service," Steve said.

Carter quirked an eyebrow and looked Donovan over. Before Steve could drag Donovan away from his daughter, a man approached them, phone in hand.

"Steve, it's for you."

Taking it, Steve looked to Donovan. "I will be right back." He took a few steps away and raised the phone to his ear.

"Aren't you a little young to be a Secret Service Agent?" Carter asked, crossing her arms.

"Aren't you a little young to be training with Secret Service Agents?"

Carter shrugged. "I find life is better when you don't live by society's expectations."

"And taking on two hundred pound men is how you do that?"

"One of the ways, yes."

Carter smirked and Donovan found his own lips rising to mirror hers.

"Keller," Steve called out.

Donovan turned around. Steve gestured him forward, his stern look a warning not to disobey and to get away from his daughter. Unable to help it, Donovan glanced back to Carter.

"I guess I'll see you around, Keller," she said.

"I hope so," he said.

Carter started walking backward. "Who knows, maybe one of these days I'll spar with you and you'll see how you like being flipped onto the mat."

"I look forward to it."

Carter's smile was mischievous and Donovan had the feeling it was a sight he would go chasing after.


Stick 'em up!

What are you sticking up? That's does d even make any sense! 🤦🏽‍♀️

There you have it, Carter and Donovan would still find each other! I mean we already knew they were meant for each other, but this proves it even more!

What did you think?

Do you think Steve would fight even harder to not have Carter date Donovan now more than in the original?

Gosh I feel like Donovan would have a harder time dating Carter than normally. Well, I hope you liked catching a glimpse of what could have been.

If you have random suggestions of what you would like to see, let me hear them. I still make no promises that I will write them, but I'm always curious what you want.

Vote, comment, follow cause you know it's worth it and you love me!

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