Into The Lions Den

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Because let's face it, this is Carter and she can do whatever the flip she wants.


"I feel like there could have been a better plan than this," Mason said in a low voice.

Carter didn't agree with him. This method was the most direct and frankly the most entertaining. If not slightly dangerous. But her job without danger meant she wasn't doing the right job.

"I think it's going well so far," Carter said, matching his volume.

True, they were sitting in a stinky alley, on damp cement that reeked of things she'd didn't want to think about, zip-ties were cutting into her skin, and they watched as the group of thugs debated their fate.

But overall, they hadn't been shot.

Carter took this as a positive sign.

"We said no talking!" a guy with tattoos along his neck said.

He angrily shoved his gun towards Carter's face. She merely looked pasted it and straight into the guy's eyes, unbothered.

"That would be more intimidating if your safety wasn't on," she said.

As the guy checked the side of the gun, Carter snapped it from his grasp. In a single breath, she released the clip, popped the bullet from the chamber, and dismantled the weapon.

"What type of criminal are you if you don't even realize this model of gun doesn't even come with a safety."

She left the pieces of the gun on the cement beside her.

"Those are there for you if you want them. I'm curious if you can put it back together."

The guy lunged at her to attack but a harsh commend stopped him in his tracks. Carter smirked at the guy and quickly dodged the fist he swung at her.

"Get him out of here," the clear leader of the group said.

Two of the members hauled the pissed off guy away. The leader eyed Carter and she held his gaze.

"You want to meet our boss," he said. "But I don't see any reason why we should let you."

"Simple. I have information on the Viper gang that he'll want to hear."

"And I'm supposed to trust that information is real?"


Carter contorted her bound hands until she could reach into her hoodie pocket. When she managed to pull out the small ziplock bag inside, she tossed it at the feet of the leader. He jerked back and beside her, Mason winced. The leader's reaction was understandable, the bag had a severed finger covered in blood inside.

Mason's reaction didn't, he knew the finger was fabricated and the blood was pig's blood.

"What is that?" the leader said.

"What does it look like?" Carter said. "It's a finger."

Despite the fact that he was part of a violent gang, the leader looked put off by Carter's bland tone.

"Why do you have it?" he asked.

"Pick it up. On the top of the finger you'll see a familiar tattoo."

The leader retrieved the bag and inspected the finger, finding the tattoo."

"You got this from a Viper's member's hand."

"Got, took, cut off. Take your pick."


"I needed information about a guy named Ryder. This was the fastest way. I also got some information that I think your boss would like to hear."

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