School Project

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Because I've been having fun with exploring Carter's early high school years.


Carter climbed the stairs to the second story of the library and strolled past the aisles. When she came to the final row, she stopped, resting her shoulder on the bookshelf.

At the end of the row, Mason Douglas was lip-locked with a girl. Carter glanced at the shelf she leaned on and swiped something off the ledge.

"You know," she said, rolling her eyes, her voice instantly breaking the couple apart. "Hundreds of years ago men would come to libraries like this seeking knowledge. It pains me how far humans have fallen."

The girl hurriedly tried to smooth out her hair as she flushed while Mason looked completely calm.

"Knowledge is everywhere, Owens," he said.

"Oh yeah? What's her middle name?" Mason frowned. "Clearly, you aren't a very good study. Come on, we have a project to do."

Having regained her control, the girl strode towards Carter. When her glance landed next to where Carter lounged, she paused. Carter raised her eyebrows, taunting.

"Looking for something?" she asked.

Mason came up beside the girl and she plastered on an unconcerned smile.

"Not at all," she said.

"Didn't think so," Carter said.

Throwing Carter an acid look, she swept away. Mason grinned at Carter.

"You sure you're here for the project, or were you looking for an alternative type of knowledge as well."

Carter pressed her hand to her mouth.

"So shocked I would offer," Mason said.

"No, I just threw up in my mouth."

Mason's expression fell flat and Carter headed away. When they got to the main level, she pointed to a table and a stack of books that sat before one chair.

"That is your stuff," she said, plopping into a seat opposite. "This is mine. Being at the same table I feel qualifies as 'working together'."

With a groan of annoyance, Mason sank into his chair.

"Eight months and you think our teachers would stop pairing us together."

Carter scowled at him like he was an idiot, which wasn't hard because she did think he was.

"How have you not put this together?" she said. "They pair us because then it's only one battle. Putting us with other students means there would be two battles since we seem to piss off our partners."

"Is that seriously true?"

Carter stared at him. "It also explains how you've managed to make it this far, my brain keeps saving you from failing. Oh." She pulled out a phone and slid it across the way. "Another thing I saved you from. Your French partner was recording you. Seems she wanted something worth selling."

Mason snatched up the phone and typed in the password. How he knew it was beyond her but she didn't ask. After a few seconds, the video was completely erased.

"It seems almost a crime to delete such a beautiful moment."

"I saw that moment, there was nothing beautiful about that. It looked like you were trying to maul her face. Real classy."

"Have you ever been kissed, Owens?"

"By a bear that's trying to eat me? Can't say I have."

Mason leaned forward, resting his arms on the table.

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