22-"Wouldn't that be risky?"

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We look at each other, not knowing what to do.

I break the silence, "Well, since we don't know where she is, we need to find her."

Matthew questions, "Where and how?"

I look at him with my eye brow raised up. Savannah, Heather, Anna, and Zach looks confused. He seems to get what I'm talking about and looks at Josh. Josh knows too.

We look at the others before saying, "To the base."


Josh's POV

I'm just going to say that I have no idea what is going on. I just wanted to eat my sandwich. I'm not even in the team anymore, I think.

After a long walk from school, we quickly make it to Victoria's house.

Matthew whispers to me and Kendra, "How do you know we can trust them?"

Kendra glances at Savannah, Heather, Anna, and Zach.

She responds, "I have a feeling they will be good use." And puts the code in to get into the house.

We get in and stop in our tracks as we see men in black surrounding us, aiming with guns. They know.

Kendra and Matthew start fighting while I make it to the secret equipment room, where all our weapons are kept.

I bring out our weapons and go back out to see a few men following me. I also have Victoria's, which are gloves that can shoot very hard with purple light, (inspiration from Iron man) just in case we see her. At this time, I have already gotten the weapons and start using them.

I point toward them and start shooting rapidly with my mist, power gun of power that shots blue. I get the big one. This is my favorite part. After shooting them for a few minutes, I see Savannah, Heather, and Anna looking at me like they saw a ghost.

I say, "Do worry, I didn't kill them."

They slowly nod their heads. It's true, I didn't kill them, they're just unconscious for a long period of time. I guide them to a safe place and tell them to stay put.

I make my way to the main room and yell at Kendra and Matthew who are actually fighting them. They look over and I toss them their weapons. Kendra's is a power, tech bow and arrow that can makeshift into a gun that shoots yellow and Matthew's is 2 power mini guns on either hand that shoot green like the guns in Star Wars (that was our inspiration when making the gun).

Don't worry, I don't think any our weapons can kill. But, they can put you out in a long period of time. Once we shot a guy and he was out for 2 years, so it's better to not get shot.

As we get our weapons, we are unstoppable. We shoot here and there until there are no more men left. But then, I hear one of our old weapons set off.

I look and see that is was Zach trying to fight them too. We make eye contact and I nod to him.

A few moment later, it ends up in silence. We catch our breath and look around. The house is a wreck. We start clearing the space by dragging the men to where we send prisoners to our company base, which is underground. We put them in a little pod, stacked on top of each other and send them away.

We head up stairs and make our way to our secret place with Savannah, Heather, and Anna looking frightened and shocked in place, too scared to move. We have to literally pull and drag them with us. Zach seems like he having the best time ever. 

We make it to our secret lab and start getting to work. It been awhile since I been here after all that happened. It feels good. I guess I'm back in the team.

Kendra, Matthew, and I head to our separate computers and start working, leaving Savannah, Heather, Anna, and Zach standing there.

Kendra finally speaks, "So what the plan?"

Matthew says, "Well, we need to find where and what Riley is doing."

I then hear a beep noise that is coming from Zach. He says, "They have taken over the police station."

I look everyone else and say, "What should we do?"

Everyone is thinking until Kendra says, "Well, let's find where Victoria is?" She looks at me and I start typing. Matthew starts finding the location of Riley.

After a few moments, I finally found the tracker that we put on each other in case we get separated.

I say, "Her tracker says undetermined."

Savannah speaks, "That's because she is at their base right now."

Heather continues, "I remember Riley telling me the the base is secretly hidden so they keep any other technology from finding them."

I look at the rest of them. Matthew questions, "Do you know where the base is?"

Savannah and Heather look at each other before they nod. Savannah adds, "We know the codes to it too."

We all smile at each other. We're getting somewhere.

There's another beeping noise coming from Matthew computer. He declares, "I have found Riley location. She is also in the police station."

Kendra proposes, "Okay, here's the plan. How about we spit up into two?"

Matthew comments, "Wouldn't that be risky."

Kendra affirms, "Well what else can you think of since you're so smart?"

I intervene, "Guys, this isn't a place to fight right now. We have a crisis happening."

Matthew states, "Oh so now you're back into the team."

I answer, "Yes, I'm back. Whether you like it or not."

Savannah harshly speaks, "Guys, can you deal with this later. We have something big happening and we don't need your nig nag right now, ok."

Kendra, Matthew and I mumble a sorry.

Matthew gestures for Kendra to continue, "So, we split into two teams. Matthew and Josh go to the police station to stop Riley and I'll go to the base to get Victoria back. She probably knows more than we do. Zach and Anna go with Matthew and Josh since Zach should know the station pretty well, and Savannah and Heather come with me because they know where the base is. Is that good?"

Everyone registers that into their heads before nodding.

Matthew mumbles, "That's actually a pretty good idea."

I chuckle while Kendra says, "What was that, I couldn't hear you."

I rejoin, "We all know you heard that loud and clear."

She sticks her tongue at me and I do it back.

We start preparing everything before making it into our separate spy special cars.

Kendra says, "We'll meet at the station. If you don't hear from us, just continue what you're doing."

We put in our ear pieces and drive out.

This is going to be a long day.

Btw I'll try to update every other day...NOT everyday. There's a big difference.

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