9- Special

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Victoria's POV  (Part 2)

I seriously cannot believe my friends right now, especially Matthew. He says that Boss is going to do something if we take 'a break' from the mission, and now he starts getting with Heather. WHAT THE HECK?!

I hate the normal style. I rather be special of being a spy than being a 'normal' teenager. I'm not ready for relationships yet! Gosh, I'm too young!

So now, I'm in the library where I usually go when I feel lonely (I rarely go here). Books are always here and I can go to them whenever I want to. Man, I rubbing off of Kendra. Also, the librarian, Mrs. Miller, is the best and is so nice. She lets us eat in the library, not many librarians allow that.

I look though the selves and find Harry Potter. What, I love those series. I pick one out and sit at a table to read.

I was so caught in the zone until someone sit across from me. That person is...Liliana. Oh, I forgot she goes here everyday. She says,

"Hi. What book are you reading?"

"Harry Potter."

"That's cool. If you love those kinds of book, you should try Land of Stories. It's also a really good series.

"Cool, I'll check them out soon."

She's actually not that bad. There has been rumors going around that Liliana is weird. She can be nice if she wanted to.

"Um Victoria, I need to ask you something."

"Ask away."

"Do you know anyone who is a spy?"

My breathes stiffens and my voices goes to my throat which become dry. Does she know about us being spies? How did she find out? I say,

"Um, I don't know. Why do you ask?"

"Because I got this message from Google when it got hacked and I want to know who it is. I don't want my mom to lose her job, so I want to help out."

"Why are you asking me?"

"I was just wondering."

...suspicious. I'm still doing this mission, even if my teammates want a break. This is one of the hardest yet and I want to get to the bottom of this. I say,

"Well if something pops up, just let me know."

"Why do I have to tell you?"

"Woah, I'm just trying to help." Sassy.

The bell rang and we started heading to our classes, avoiding everyone. I could tell Matthew wanted to talk but I just walked past him. Kendra was able to catch me and says,

"Hey, Vicky. Is it ok for Anna to join our girls night?"

"I don't mind. You two and Josh do your thing, I have something to do."

"But Vicky, we agreed to have a break."

"I know just, you guys hang out while I'm do my own."

With that I walk past her and I feel a hand on my arm, pulling me to face them. It was Matthew. He says,

"Vicky, you okay?"

"Matthew, I'm fine."

Josh pops up and says, "You don't seem like it."

"Really guys, I fine. Just do your own thing and I'll do mine."

I walk to my next class, which is English, and sit in the back corner while the other seats are being filled up. Wow, I'm finally not that late.

I sat there just looking out the window until someone sat next to me. I look and saw...Zachary? Huh? He says,

"Hey, you ok?"

"I'm fine."

"That's what they all say."

"I'm serious."

"I know you aren't but seriously, you had an outburst out there."

"Not like you have some too."

"I do, but girls are different."

"What are you, stereotyping people?"

"I didn't mean it like that its just..."

"I don't want to hear it, I'm fine."

We sat there in silence until class started. I saw him take quick looks at me at the corner of my eye, which was pretty annoying, but we never talked. When class was over, I avoided everyone and made my way home.

While walking, I see Matthew and Heather having a conversation. Ew, I really hope they aren't flirting. YUCK! But the curious person I am, I decide to...eavesdrop.

I take out my headset, microphone, and my recorder in my phone to record what they say. What, call me a stalker, that's what spies do.

This one is WAY shorter than the other one. I promise, the good part will come soon. Just wanted to add more...relatable events. :)

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