4- Predictions

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Victoria's POV
(Be prepared for some long paragraphs)

I skateboarded to my house and put our secret code to open the door. Remember, we are spies.

I unlocked the door and saw Kendra and Josh sitting on the couch watching TV. Yes, we know each other codes to our houses and trust me, it got nasty. And don't worry, my parents don't get home till late so we usually stay together at my house.

I soon joined them and decided to do my homework while they watched Miraculous Ladybug. (Don't judge, it's rude) After a few minute later, Matthew arrived. He apparently made a stop to get some food and candy. Typical friend, not getting anything for us.

We all decided to go to our secret basement, which is my basement where we usually hang out in, and discuss all the info that we gathered.

I say, "Ok everyone, let's get to business. We need to talk about the information that we gathered from the new students. Who will go first?"

I looked at Kendra since she always gets the most information, but today she seemed nervous and scared. Why? I also looked at Matthew and Josh and they seemed to not know what to say. Weird.

I continue, "Well, since no one what's to go first, I'll go. So about Liliana, she has a different personality that not many people have. She is very truthful to her opinions, so she might seem very confident in her answers. On her free time, she doesn't hand with people but in the library with books so she loves to read. She doesn't use the internet too much and her phone is only related to school and books. So she must be very smart." Kendra takes note of all the thing I said.

Matthew- "I'll go next. So Owen seems like one of the troublemakers since he pranked the principal and is climbing the popular line. He is also active because he plays soccer and moved here because of his dad and bad grades that he doesn't care about. He also is very good at technology and can reach our spy standards according to his computer." We all think and analyze it for a moment then continued.

Josh- "Well Zachary is somewhat the same. He also did a prank on the principal and is getting popular by his Instagram. He maybe likes attention since he talks so loud and it WAY TOO over protective with his phone. He is a black belt in Karate and doesn't know anything about technology." That's interesting.

We all look and Kendra who seem to wanting to avoid contact. "Kendra, why don't you tell us about Anna."

Kendra- "Well, Anna is very funny and nice once you get to know her. She has 2 sisters, 1 older and 1 younger, and hang out with Brandon. She moved here because of her parents jobs and was originally from New Jersey. She seems way too innocent to be a spy."

Me- "Well how do you know? Spies can be acting sometimes and may seem all nice and all."

Kendra stays quiet.

Matthew- "Did you at least put the tracker on her phone."

Kendra hesitated before she answers, "I-I didn't. She can't be the spy because I know when someone is fake and plus, she is a really good friend."

Me- (mumbled) "Well, we still aren't sure of that."

Kendra- "Please you have to believe me. Trust me."

We all stay silent before Josh says, "We believe you. Right guys?" And looks at Me and Matthew. Matthew nods while I stay still, looking at the ground.

Kendra says, "Vicky, trust me. I know what I'm doing."

I do trust her but what if she is wrong. She may screw up this mission by getting the enemy closer. Should I trust her? I mean, she still is my friend. What should I do?


"I trust you. But make sure you are right."

Kendra smiles of excitement and stars jumping which causes everyone to laugh.

Kendra says, "I promise you that she is who she really is." Good. That's what I need to hear.

I say, "So now that we gathered everything, let's see who is the spy for the bad side. Who do you think?"

Josh- "Well, it might be Zachary since he knows how to fight properly."

Kendra- "True, he likes attention and a spy wants to stay hidden. I think it's Liliana because she is independent.

Matthew- "Yeah, but Owen knows a lot about technology. He might be getting a way to us through technology."

Josh- "Yes, but Zachary has social media with he can see others through there."

Me- "This is all true, but Zach can't hack and if he knows everyone, he can't do anything about it since he knows nothing. Owen and Liliana can't fight and Liliana also knows nothing about technology. All her stuff it related to school. I still think it's Anna cause she can be acting."

Kendra- "I promise you it's not Anna. And maybe Liliana has a different computer that she has somewhere else. We never know."

Me- "You never know when Anna is acting."

Kendra- "IT'S NOT HER!

Josh- "Kendra, calm down."


Me- "I still believe you IT'S CALLED A PREDICTION"

Matthew-"Ladies, calm down. We work together, not fight against each other."

We all stay silent.

Kendra-"You're right. Vicky, I'm sorry.

Me-"Me too. Sorry" We both smile.

I look at the time and see that it's dinner time. We all order pizza while talking and everyone heads back home. Later, my parents arrive and I start getting ready for bed. Who will it be?

I know this is confusing and not that interesting. I got myself confused while writing it. I hope you enjoyed it so far. Watch out for the next one. :)

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