17- Second Glance

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Kendra's POV

Everything seems so different lately. I kinda miss hanging out with all of our friends together. The problem is that we barely even acknowledge each other. I'm still wondering if we are even going to be a team if we keep acting like this.

I walk to my locker to put my books away until I see a note that falls out. I pick it up from the ground see that it says,

Josh has quit

Wait what? He can't just give up. What is wrong with this team?!

I slam my locker close which earns a few stares from people and walk to my next class, Art.

I walk in and sit at my usual seat with Anna. I see Victoria sitting in the back looking out the window. She seems so lonely and depressed with her hoodie on her head which she thinks is hiding her messy hair but you could see it clearly. Since when does she wear a hood in class?

She finally gets back to reality and look in my direction. I quickly look away but still see her by the corner of my eye. I then see Anna walk in with a smile on her face.

Me- "Someone seem happy."

Anna- "Oh it's nothing, just having a good time."

"Why is that?"

"Everything seems more, happier, that's all."


"Just you and me, hanging out together you know."


Strange. Why does it seem so fake?

Then, Riley walks in and Anna waves which Riley smiles back. They start having a short chat before Riley starts heading to the back of the classroom to her seat which is next to Victoria. I see Victoria roll her eyes which I chuckle a little.

Apparently, Victoria hears it and looks at my direction which we connect eye contact. Her eyes suddenly are filled with entertainment and she starts grinning.

I miss hanging out with her.

I suddenly remember how Riley and Anna were talking. It looked like they were long lost best friends. What is that all about?

Class starts and our assignment is to paint something that you might think will happen in the future. What kind of theme is that? Why can't it be just nice and simple?

"You just have to be creative."

I look up who said that and see that it was Victoria, walking down to get more supplies.

Hmmm, that was the first she has talked to me in forever.

I continue looking at her while she makes her way back to her seat and wait to see if she says anything else. Unfortunately, she just walks back without giving me a single glance.

All of a sudden, the bell rings and I see that I have nothing drawn. I quickly pack up my stuff and make my way to the back door when something catches my eye. I look at the art that has 4 dark figures doing action moves with a city painted in the background. It was actually really impressive.

I look at the person who painted it and see that it was made by Victoria.

I see her write something at the bottom and got a quick sneak peak. It said,

Bad Starts can lead to Good Endings.

As I walk out the classroom, I find myself smiling from ear to ear. Maybe we do have a chance, we just got to believe.


After school, I finally try to talk to my friends because enough is enough. We can't just keep ignoring each other if we don't even talk to each other.

I was walking down the hallway to go to the boy's locker, but I saw Riley and Owen talking in quiet voices.

I was about to eavesdrop but I realized that I really need to fix the team, so I just walked by.

I got to the boy's locker but found Matthew on the phone with someone. This time, I went a little closer.

"I know Boss. I warned him but he didn't listen....I know and I'm sorry but.....no please, I promise it won't happen again, please.......yes boss.....ok boss....I'll try......ok bye."

And he hanged up. I walked towards him and said,

"Hey, what was that all about?"

"Oh it was just boss calling me."

"What was it about?"

"Nothing special."

"Why is he calling you and not us?"

"Will you quit asking questions? It's getting annoying."

"Sorry." It was a solid 5 minutes of us standing there in awkward silence. Matthew broke it by saying,

"So...what did you come for?"

"I just-I-I want to fix this."

"Fix what?"

"All of us. We need to get together and talk."

"Let me guess, it's about the mission." I nod and he continues,

"That's not going to work."

"Why not? All we have to do it just get everything straight and fixed."

"It's not that easy."

"We can try."



"Just because."

"Because why?"

"You know what, if you want to do it so badly then just do it yourself."

"You're supposed to help me. We are a team."

"That was long gone. If you're so smart, you should be able to handle." And with that he closed his locker and walked away.

Well that was a good start for the week.

I was about to walk away until I heard someone calling my name. I turned around and saw Anna coming my way. She said,

"Hey, long time no see. I was wondering if you would like to hang today?"

"Nah I'm good."

"Why not?"

"Not in the mood today."

"Well then we can go and get ice cream to cheer you up."

"It's okay. Besides, I have stuff to do."

"C'mon, just a few minutes. It won't be that long."

"I'm ok."

"Please, just come."

"I'm fine, next time."


And this time I walk away.

On my way out the door, I see Victoria trying to do something on her computer but she just seems so tired. She also is so concentrated that she doesn't notice me watching.

I think she felt my gaze since she looked up from what she was doing. She saw me and smiled. I smiled back and walked to the bus station.

How am I going to fix this problem?

Good job me :) Don't worry, I'm not done yet. You just have to wait for more.

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