21-"What is happening?"

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This may get a little confusing so bear with me here. I'll been alternating perspectives just to clear that up.

Kendra's POV (earlier)

I watch as Victoria follows Mrs. Johnson to her office. The whole cafeteria is silent for little while, and gradually starts to get noisy again.

For some reason, I feel curious about what is happening. I decide to follow them until I feel a hand go on my arm.

I look behind me to see Anna with her hand in my arm, stopping me in my tracks. She says,

"Hey, sorry about what happened."

"Yeah, it's fine. Thanks for supporting me."

"Yeah anything for my friend."

It felt weird to hear her say friends. It sounded...forced.

I look at Matthew and Josh to see them both avoiding eye contact. Same old, same old.

Anna says, "Hey, why don't you and me hang out after school."

Matthew and Josh look suspicious as she says that.

I say, "Didn't you ask that yesterday?"

"Yeah. I mean, we couldn't hang out yesterday so I wondered if you wanted to hang out today."

Matthew all of a sudden says, "Why do you want to hang out with her so much?"

Anna retorts, "This is none of your business so stay out of this."

Josh says, "What's up with you?"

Anna replies, "Why do you care? I'm just doing my job."

Josh, Matthew, and I say in unison, "What?"

Anna quickly puts her hand over her mouth while fast footsteps come walking towards us.

Savannah yells, "Anna, why did you say that?!" the same time as Heather yells, "What the heck were you thinking?!"

Anna quickly responds, "I know, I know, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to, really."

Savannah groans, "Why does she trust you?"

Anna pleads, "I'm sorry, please forgive me. Please, I'm sorry. I won't say anything again, I promise."

Matthew harshly says, "Just tell us what is going on!"

Anna, Savannah, and Heather all say, "Why?"

Matthew sighs annoyingly, "Oh my gosh, woman! They're so complicated!"

All the girls look at him with their eye brows raise up. Matthew looks around to see all the girls looking at him with unimpressed expressions. That's a yikes moment.

He continues, "Someone please just say what is happening."

Suddenly, the doors open widely with police officers surrounding the perimeter. I see Zach as he yells, "Has anyone seen someone missing?!"

Everyone looks around with panic in their eyes. The teachers come out and bring everyone inside the classrooms, away from the situation. Of course, we're part of it.

I respond, "Well, Victoria went to Mrs. Johnson's office awhile ago."

Zach looks at an officer who nods at him. He makes his way to the office with everyone at his tail.

Zach's says, "Oh by the way, this is my dad, Officer James."

Officer James smiles and waves at us before following Zach.

I didn't know Zach's dad was a police officer. They look so alike.

We make it to the office and open the door, only to find it locked. We try banging on it but if didn't budge. Then, Zach's dad tells us to stand back as he runs into the door with his shoulder. The door knocks down.

We quickly open to door to see if anything or anyone was in there. We saw nothing and nobody. Where is Victoria?

Zach says, "Well dad, we found out who the missing child is."

We all say, "Victoria."

Matthew asks, "Where could she be?"

Everyone shrugs. I don't even know what to do? Where can she be? We stand there, thinking, before Officer James is called by one of the other officers and walks away.

As he walks away, I hear Anna whimper, "Why did this happen?"

Josh replies, "The real question is, how did you get into all of this? How did all of you get into all of this?"

They all look among themselves before Savannah says, "Riley. It was all Riley and it was Riley all along. She knew everything. But she wanted more. She went to the point where she used us. She wanted us to get info about you guys and for Anna to set a distraction by being friends with you guys so she can do what she need to do. We were stupid for accept it. It was like she was forcing us to do it. We felt intimidated and had no choice. I'm sorry, we're sorry. I didn't know it was something this big."

I feel sympathy for them and say, "It's okay guys. Just next time, choose the right thing."

They all three nod their heads as they understand what I'm saying. They aren't really the people to say those types of things.

Then, Tiffany comes stomping in the room and yells, "What the heck guys?! Are you just going to betray Riley like that?! She's our friend! We should help and support her?!"

Heather says, "NO! It's not the right thing to do! I am not going through something like that again."

The other girls nod in agreement.

Tiffany's face turns red in angry as she says, "You betrayed her! You guys are traitors! Wait till she hears about this."

Before she could leave, the police officer came in with looks that could kill. Tiffany looked terrified. I was priceless. She pleads,

"Please, um...I did nothing wrong."

Officer James says, "Sorry but you're coming with us."

She tries to argue but nothing comes out. She follows them, defeated.

We look at each other, not knowing what to do.

I break the silence, "Well, since we don't know where she is, we need to find her."

Matthew questions, "Where and how?"

I look at him with my eye brow raised up. Savannah, Heather, Anna, and Zach looks confused. He seems to get what I'm talking about and looks at Josh. Josh knows too.

We look at the others before saying, "To the base."

Well, I don't know what to say, but stay tuned for the next chapters :)

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